[en] Julia Von Grundherr, Simon Elmers, Barbara Koch, Lesley-Ann Hail, Julia Mann, Gabriele Escherich, Corinna Bergelt, Luisa Samland, Wiebke Jensen, Eik Vettorazzi, Maria Stark, Luzia Valentini, Freerk T. Baumann, Susanne Singer, Rüdiger Reer, Ronja Beller, Gabriele Calaminus, Jörg Faber, Carl Friedrich Classen, Judith Gebauer, Inken Hilgendorf, Michael Koehler, Alexander Puzik, Nicole Salzmann, Annette Sander, Lisa Schiffmann, Magdalena Sokalska-Duhme, Sonja Schuster, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Carsten Bokemeyer, Marianne Sinn, Alexander Stein, Sarah Dwinger, and Jannike Salchow,
A Multimodal Lifestyle Psychosocial Survivorship Program in Young Cancer Survivors: The CARE for CAYA Program—A Randomized Clinical Trial Embedded in a Longitudinal Cohort Study, JAMA Network Open , vol. 7, no. 3, pp. e242375, 2024.
Datei: 2816738
[en] Herwig Nicolaus, Michael Anywar, Santiago Pazmino Pinto, Hannes Ulrich, Jan Schladetzky, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
Integration of the Oncologic Base Data Set into the UKSH Medical Data Integration Center, in Student Conference 2024, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology , Lübeck: Infinite Science Publishing, 2024.
Davide Saraceno, Catherine Chronaki, Giorgio Cangioli, Anna-Liesa Filbert, Monica Muraca, Alessandra Berti, Rita Rielli, Nikos Thomopulos, Lisa Knoerr, Diana Walz, Anke Neumann, Andrea Beccaria, Anna Aulicino, Brigitte Nicolas, Giacomo Cavalca, Anne Uyttebroeck, Maria Van Helvoirt, Tom Brié, Erik Vanden Meersch, Ruth Ladenstein, Edit Bardi, Günter Schreier, Stefan Beyer, Markus Müllner-Rieder, María Teresa Tormo Alcañiz, Lucas Cervero Beltran, Jelena Rascon, Monika Kapitančukė, Justas Trinkunas, Eglė Stukaitė-Ruibienė, Paulius Ragauskas, Audronė Ciesiūnienė, Riccardo Haupt, and Desiree Grabow,
Assessment of HL7 FHIR Interoperability Between EHR Systems and the Survivorship Passport v2.0 Platform to Generate Treatment Summaries for Childhood Cancer Survivors in Six Clinics: Preliminary Testing Results, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240646
[en] Tessa Ohlsen, Viola Hofer, and Josef Ingenerf,
VaPCE: Validation tool for postcoordinated SNOMED CT expressions, JMIR Medical Informatics , 2024.
Datei: accepted
[en] Cecilia Engels, Zdenka Dudová, Martin Breu, David Croft, Christoph Dolch, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, Lars Ebert, Cäcilia Engels, Christian Knell, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, John Linde, Christian Maier, Michael Neumann, Matthias Öfelein, Matthias Rambow, Susanne Sahr, Florian Stampe, Deniz Tas, Hannes Ulrich, and Hans-Ulrich Prokosch,
The sample locator: A federated search tool for biosamples and associated data in Europe using HL7 FHIR, Computers in Biology and Medicine , vol. 180, pp. 108941, 2024.
Datei: S0010482524010266
[en] Lorenz Rosenau, and Josef Ingenerf,
Structured Queries to AQL: Querying OpenEHR Data Leveraging a FHIR-Based Infrastructure for Federated Feasibility Queries, in MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible , IOS Press, 2024, pp. 33--37.
Datei: SHTI230922
Tessa Ohlsen, Joshua Wiedekopf, and Josef Ingenerf,
Reformatted Crosswalk-Tables Between Annual ICD-10-Versions for Cross Version Data Analysis, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240652
[en] Friedrich Simon, Jan Schladetzky, Stefanie Macke, Torge Ablaß, Josef Ingenerf, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
Metadata Driven Integration of Clinical Data for Secondary Use in FHIR – A Pilot Study at the UKSH, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Röhrig, Rainer and Grabe, Niels and Hübner, Ursula Hertha and Jung, Klaus and Sax, Ulrich and Schmidt, Carsten Oliver and Sedlmayr, Martin and Zapf, Antonia, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240850
[en] Tessa Ohlsen, Josef Ingenerf, Andrea Essenwanger, and Cora Drenkhahn,
PCEtoFHIR: Decomposition of Postcoordinated SNOMED CT Expressions for Storage as HL7 FHIR Resources, JMIR Medical Informatics , vol. 12, pp. e57853, 2024.
Datei: e57853
Jan Schladetzky, Niklas Reimer, Herwig Nicolaus, Hauke Busch, Björn Schreiweis, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
Integration of Oncological Data into openEHR: A Path Towards Improved Cancer Care and Research, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240655
[en] Jesse Kruse, Joshua Wiedekopf, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Andrea Essenwanger, Josef Ingenerf, and Hannes Ulrich,
FML2Mirth: Generic Transformation of complex laboratory data based on FML mapping rules and automatically generated Mirth channels (Preprint), JMIR Medical Informatics , 2024.
Datei: accepted
[en] Hannah Schmidt, Katja Baust, Gabriele Calaminus, Lisa Hohls, Katharina Tetzner, Nicole Griech, Henrike Haugke, Hannah Baltus, Susanne Elsner, Alexander Katalinic, Hera Becker, Chirine Cytera, Judith Gebauer, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Anke Neumann, Christian Denzer, Michael M. Schündeln, Jörg Faber, Conny Sattler, Michael C. Frühwald, Anja Borgmann-Staudt, Anke Barnbrock, Markus Metzler, Gabriele Escherich, Inke R. König, Ingo Menrath, and Thorsten Langer,
Effectiveness of structured, multidisciplinary long-term care for pediatric cancer survivors: protocol of the multicenter, randomized-controlled AELKI study, Trials , vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 597, 2024.
Datei: s13063-024-08377-2
[de] Björn Schreiweis, Hannes Ulrich, Heike Lehmann, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Benjamin Kinast, and Björn Bergh,
Die Wissensmanagementplattform für Versorgung und Forschung am Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein – Ein Praxisbeispiel, in Health Data Management , Henke, Viola and Hülsken, Gregor and Schneider, Henning and Varghese, Julian, Eds. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024, pp. 689--701.
ISBN:978-3-658-43235-5 978-3-658-43236-2
Datei: 978-3-658-43236-2_58
[en] Torge Ablaß, Friedrich Simon, Christina Schwitlick, Denise Olbrich, Kristina Brandt, Ina Hohensee, Nikolas Von Bubnoff, Claudia Baldus, Josef Ingenerf, Björn Schreiweis, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
Development, Involvement and Use of an Overarching In-House Registry for Clinical Trials, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Röhrig, Rainer and Grabe, Niels and Hübner, Ursula Hertha and Jung, Klaus and Sax, Ulrich and Schmidt, Carsten Oliver and Sedlmayr, Martin and Zapf, Antonia, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240846
[en] PanCareSurPass Consortium, Roberta Gazzarata, Michael Strübin, Catherine Chronaki, Giorgio Cangioli, Davide Saraceno, Günter Schreier, Stefan Beyer, Florian Trauner, Gerald Gredinger, Ruth Ladenstein, Ismay Ae De Beijer, Giacomo Cavalca, Justas Trinkunas, Lucas Cervero Beltran, Mark Vanautgaerden, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Anke Neumann, Monica Muraca, Anna-Liesa Filbert, Riccardo Haupt, and Desiree Grabow,
Childhood Cancer Survivorship Passport Challenges in the European Health Data Space, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240651
Michael Anywar, Mário Macedo, Santiago Pazmino, Tobias Bronsch, Benjamin Kinast, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Björn Schreiweis,
Challenges and Lessons Learned in Mapping HL7 v2 Data to openEHR: Insights from UKSH Medical Data Integration Center, in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Mantas, John and Hasman, Arie and Demiris, George and Saranto, Kaija and Marschollek, Michael and Arvanitis, Theodoros N. and Ognjanović, Ivana and Benis, Arriel and Gallos, Parisis and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Andrikopoulou, Elisavet, Eds. IOS Press, 2024.
Datei: SHTI240658


Hanno M. Witte, Anke Fähnrich, Axel Künstner, Jörg Riedl, Stephanie M. J. Fliedner, Niklas Reimer, Nadine Hertel, Nikolas Bubnoff, Veronica Bernard, Hartmut Merz, Hauke Busch, Alfred Feller, and Niklas Gebauer,
Primary refractory plasmablastic lymphoma: A precision oncology approach, Frontiers in Oncology , vol. 13, 2023.
Datei: fonc.2023.1129405
[en] Cora Drenkhahn, Tessa Ohlsen, Joshua Wiedekopf, and Josef Ingenerf,
WASP—A Web Application to Support Syntactically and Semantically Correct SNOMED CT Postcoordination, Applied Sciences , vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 6114, 2023.
Datei: 6114
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{WASP}—{A} {Web} {Application} to {Support} {Syntactically} and {Semantically} {Correct} {SNOMED} {CT} {Postcoordination}},
	volume = {13},
	issn = {2076-3417},
	url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/10/6114},
	doi = {10.3390/app13106114},
	abstract = {Expressive clinical terminologies are of utmost importance for achieving a semantically interoperable data exchange and reuse in healthcare. SNOMED CT, widely respected as the most comprehensive terminology in medicine, provides formal concept definitions based on description logic which not only allows for advanced querying of SNOMED-CT-coded data but also for flexibly augmenting its 350,000 concepts by allowing a controlled combination of these. This ability for postcoordination largely increases the expressivity of the terminology but correlates with an intrinsic complexity. Complicated by the current lack of tooling support, postcoordination is widely either ignored or applied in an error-prone way. To help facilitate the adoption of postcoordination, we implemented a web application that guides users through the creation of postcoordinated expressions (PCEs) while ensuring adherence to syntactic and semantic constraints. Our approach was largely facilitated by making use of the extensive SNOMED CT specifications as well as advanced HL7 FHIR Terminology Services. Qualitative evaluations confirmed the usability of the developed application and the correctness of the PCEs created with it.},
	language = {en},
	number = {10},
	urldate = {2023-05-22},
	journal = {Applied Sciences},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora and Ohlsen, Tessa and Wiedekopf, Joshua and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = may,
	year = {2023},
	pages = {6114},
[en] Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Julian Gruendner, and Lorenz Rosenau,
Towards a National Portal for Medical Research Data (FDPG): Vision, Status, and Lessons Learned, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 302, pp. 307--311, 2023.
[de] Josef Ingenerf, and Cora Drenkhahn,
SNOMED CT: Nutzung im Kontext von Informationsmodellen, in Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT , Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023, pp. 213--307.
ISBN:978-3-658-35561-6 978-3-658-35562-3
Datei: 978-3-658-35562-3_5
[en] Jonas Bienzeisler, Ariadna Perez-Garriga, Lea C. Brandl, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Yasmin Hollenbenders, Maximilian Kurscheidt, and Christina Schüttler,
Report from the 68th GMDS Annual Meeting: Science. Close to People, Methods of Information in Medicine , vol. 62, no. 05/06, pp. 202--205, 2023.
Datei: DOI
Josef Ingenerf, and Cora Drenkhahn,
Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT ⎼ Interlingua zur Gewährleistung semantischer Interoperabilität in der Medizin., .... 1 Springer Vieweg Wiesbaden, 2023.
Joshua Wiedekopf, Cora Drenkhahn, and Josef Ingenerf,
Performance Benchmarking of FHIR Terminology Operations in ETL Jobs, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , Hägglund, Maria and Blusi, Madeleine and Bonacina, Stefano and Nilsson, Lina and Cort Madsen, Inge and Pelayo, Sylvia and Moen, Anne and Benis, Arriel and Lindsköld, Lars and Gallos, Parisis, Eds. IOS Press, 2023.
ISBN:978-1-64368-388-1 978-1-64368-389-8
Datei: SHTI230244
[en] Hanno M. Witte, Jörg Riedl, Axel Künstner, Anke Fähnrich, Julius Ketzer, Stephanie M. J. Fliedner, Niklas Reimer, Veronica Bernard, Nikolas Von Bubnoff, Hartmut Merz, Hauke Busch, Alfred Feller, and Niklas Gebauer,
Molecularly Stratified Treatment Options in Primary Refractory DLBCL/HGBL with MYC and BCL2 or BCL6 Rearrangements (HGBL, NOS with MYC/BCL6), Targeted Oncology , vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 749--765, 2023.
Datei: s11523-023-00983-5
[en] Patrick Metzger, Maria Elena Hess, Andreas Blaumeiser, Thomas Pauli, Vincent Schipperges, Ralf Mertes, Jan Christoph, Philipp Unberath, Niklas Reimer, Raphael Scheible, Anna L. Illert, Hauke Busch, Geoffroy Andrieux, and Melanie Boerries,
MIRACUM-Pipe: An Adaptable Pipeline for Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis, Reporting, and Visualization for Clinical Decision Making, Cancers , vol. 15, no. 13, pp. 3456, 2023.
Datei: 3456
Jan Schladetzky, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Cora Drenkhahn, Josef Ingenerf, and Joshua Wiedekopf,
Mettertron – Bridging Metadata Repositories and Terminology Servers, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , 2023.
Datei: SHTI230721
[en] Madelaine Sleimann, Magdalena Balcerek, Chirine Cytera, Franziska Richter, Anja Borgmann-Staudt, Bernhard Wörmann, Lea Louisa Kronziel, Gabriele Calaminus, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Desiree Grabow, Katja Baust, Anke Neumann, Thorsten Langer, and Judith Gebauer,
Implementation of a clinical long-term follow-up database for adult childhood cancer survivors in Germany: a feasibility study at two specialised late effects clinics, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology , 2023.
Datei: s00432-023-05145-8
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Implementation of a clinical long-term follow-up database for adult childhood cancer survivors in {Germany}: a feasibility study at two specialised late effects clinics},
	issn = {1432-1335},
	shorttitle = {Implementation of a clinical long-term follow-up database for adult childhood cancer survivors in {Germany}},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00432-023-05145-8},
	doi = {10.1007/s00432-023-05145-8},
	abstract = {Childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at risk for increased morbidity and reduced quality of life associated with treatment-related late effects. In Germany, however, only a few of the more than 40,000 CCS registered in the German Childhood Cancer Registry (GCCR) currently benefit from adequate clinical long-term follow-up (LTFU) structures. To establish a comprehensive knowledge base on CCS’ long-term health in Germany, a database was developed in cooperation with the GCCR. Following a first evaluation phase at two German university centres, this database will be implemented more widely within Germany allowing longitudinal documentation of clinical LTFU data.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2023-07-18},
	journal = {Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology},
	author = {Sleimann, Madelaine and Balcerek, Magdalena and Cytera, Chirine and Richter, Franziska and Borgmann-Staudt, Anja and Wörmann, Bernhard and Kronziel, Lea Louisa and Calaminus, Gabriele and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Grabow, Desiree and Baust, Katja and Neumann, Anke and Langer, Thorsten and Gebauer, Judith},
	month = jul,
	year = {2023},
	keywords = {Childhood cancer survivors, Epidemiology, Health, Late effects, Long-term follow-up, Quality of life},
[en] Christopher Renner, Niklas Reimer, Jan Christoph, Hauke Busch, Patrick Metzger, Melanie Boerries, Arsenij Ustjanzew, Dominik Boehm, and Philipp Unberath,
Extending cBioPortal for Therapy Recommendation Documentation in Molecular Tumor Boards: Development and Usability Study, JMIR Medical Informatics , vol. 11, pp. e50017, 2023.
Datei: e50017
[en] Ismay A. E. De Beijer, Roderick Skinner, Andrea Beccaria, Patricia McColgan, Ramona Tallone, Leontien C. M. Kremer, Helena J. H. Van Der Pal, Renée L. Mulder, {on PanCareSurPass consortium}, Dorothea Niehoff, Diana Walz, Friederike Erdmann, Claudia Spix, Simone Lightwood, Francesca Bagnasco, Giacomo Cavalca, Sara Oberti, Brigitte Nicolas, Ruth Ladenstein, Vanessa Düster, Maria Van Helvoirt, Jurgen Lemiere, Marleen Renard, An Michiels, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Lea Hildebrand, Anke Neumann Anne-Katrin Jahnke, Justas Trinkunas, Audronė Ciesiūnienė, Paulius Ragauskas, Julia Balaguer Guill, Maria Teresa Tormo Alcañiz, Antonio Orduña Galan, Marisa Correcher Palau, Lucas Cervero Beltrán, Vicente Pons Tamarit, Davide Saraceno, Alessandra Berti, Carlo Contino, Nikos Thomopulos, Giulia Stabile, Maria Franca Tomassi, Igor Zamberlan, Barbara Nichel, Günter Schreier, Dieter Hayn, Karl Kreiner, Stefan Beyer, Catherine Chronaki, Giorgio Cangioli, Eliana Charalambous, Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez, Gerald Gredinger, Kathrin Trunner, Florian Trauner, Anja Laschkolnig, Leontien Kremer, Saskia Pluijm, Selina Van Den Oever, Ismay De Beijer, Jessica Trollip, Emma Hardijzer, Jaap Den Hartogh, Jeroen Te Dorsthorst, William Sciberras, and Carina Schneider,
European recommendations for short-term surveillance of health problems in childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors from the end of treatment to 5 years after diagnosis: a PanCare guideline, Journal of Cancer Survivorship , 2023.
Datei: s11764-023-01493-z
[en] Selina R. Van Den Oever, Ismay A. E. De Beijer, Leontien C. M. Kremer, Marie Alfes, Julia Balaguer, Adela Cañete Nieto, Tiago Costa, Alexander Degelsegger, Maria Teresa Tormo, Helena J. H. Van Der Pal, Saskia M. F. Pluijm, {on PanCareSurPass consortium}, Dorothea Niehoff, Diana Walz, Friederike Erdmann, Claudia Spix, Simone Lightwood, Francesca Bagnasco, Giacomo Cavalca, Sara Oberti, Brigitte Nicolas, Jurgen Lemiere, Marleen Renard, An Michiels, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Lea Hildebrand, Anke Neumann, Anne-Katrin Jahnke, Audronė Ciesiūnienė, Paulius Ragauskas, Adela Cañete Nieto, Julia Balaguer Guill, María Teresa Tormo Alcañiz, Antonio Orduña Galan, Marisa Correcher Palau, Lucas Cervero Beltrán, Vicente Pons Tamarit, Davide Saraceno, Alessandra Berti, Carlo Contino, Nikos Thomopulos, Giulia Stabile, Maria Franca Tomassi, Igor Zamberlan, Barbara Nichel, Dieter Hayn, Karl Kreiner, Stefan Beyer, Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez, Florian Trauner, Leontien Kremer, Saskia Pluijm, Selina Van Den Oever, Ismay De Beijer, Emma Hardijzer, Jaap Den Hartogh, Jeroen Te Dorsthorst, Samira Essiaf, William Sciberras, Anita Kienesberger, and Carina Schneider,
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of the interoperable Survivorship Passport (SurPass) v2.0 in 6 European countries: a PanCareSurPass online survey study, Journal of Cancer Survivorship , 2023.
Datei: s11764-023-01335-y


Hannes Ulrich, Hristina Uzunova, Heinz Handels, and Josef Ingenerf,
Proposal of Semantic Annotation for German Metadata Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks, Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health , pp. 357--361, 2022.
Datei: SHTI220474
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Proposal of {Semantic} {Annotation} for {German} {Metadata} {Using} {Bidirectional} {Recurrent} {Neural} {Networks}},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI220474},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI220474},
	urldate = {2022-08-16},
	journal = {Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Uzunova, Hristina and Handels, Heinz and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2022},
	note = {Publisher: IOS Press},
	pages = {357--361},
[EN] Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Noemi Deppenwiese, Robert Gött, Jori Kern, Martin Lablans, Raphael W. Majeed, Mark R. Stöhr, Jürgen Stausberg, Julian Varghese, Martin Dugas, and Josef Ingenerf,
Understanding the Nature of Metadata: Systematic Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research , vol. 24, no. 1, pp. e25440, 2022.
Datei: e25440
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Understanding the {Nature} of {Metadata}: {Systematic} {Review}},
	volume = {24},
	shorttitle = {Understanding the {Nature} of {Metadata}},
	url = {https://www.jmir.org/2022/1/e25440},
	doi = {10.2196/25440},
	abstract = {Background: Metadata are created to describe the corresponding data in a detailed and unambiguous way and is used for various applications in different research areas, for example, data identification and classification. However, a clear definition of metadata is crucial for further use. Unfortunately, extensive experience with the processing and management of metadata has shown that the term “metadata” and its use is not always unambiguous.
Objective: This study aimed to understand the definition of metadata and the challenges resulting from metadata reuse.
Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in this study following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines for reporting on systematic reviews. Five research questions were identified to streamline the review process, addressing metadata characteristics, metadata standards, use cases, and problems encountered. This review was preceded by a harmonization process to achieve a general understanding of the terms used.
Results: The harmonization process resulted in a clear set of definitions for metadata processing focusing on data integration. The following literature review was conducted by 10 reviewers with different backgrounds and using the harmonized definitions. This study included 81 peer-reviewed papers from the last decade after applying various filtering steps to identify the most relevant papers. The 5 research questions could be answered, resulting in a broad overview of the standards, use cases, problems, and corresponding solutions for the application of metadata in different research areas.
Conclusions: Metadata can be a powerful tool for identifying, describing, and processing information, but its meaningful creation is costly and challenging. This review process uncovered many standards, use cases, problems, and solutions for dealing with metadata. The presented harmonized definitions and the new schema have the potential to improve the classification and generation of metadata by creating a shared understanding of metadata and its context.},
	language = {EN},
	number = {1},
	urldate = {2022-01-12},
	journal = {Journal of Medical Internet Research},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Deppenwiese, Noemi and Gött, Robert and Kern, Jori and Lablans, Martin and Majeed, Raphael W. and Stöhr, Mark R. and Stausberg, Jürgen and Varghese, Julian and Dugas, Martin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = jan,
	year = {2022},
	note = {Company: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Distributor: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Institution: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Label: Journal of Medical Internet Research
Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada},
	keywords = {Humans, Metadata, Publications, Reference Standards, data classification, data identification, data integration, metadata, metadata definition, systematic review},
	pages = {e25440},
[en] Lorenz Bastian, Alina M. Hartmann, Thomas Beder, Sonja Hänzelmann, Jan Kässens, Miriam Bultmann, Marc P. Hoeppner, Sören Franzenburg, Michael Wittig, Andre Franke, Inga Nagel, Malte Spielmann, Niklas Reimer, Hauke Busch, Stefan Schwartz, Björn Steffen, Andreas Viardot, Konstanze Döhner, Mustafa Kondakci, Gerald Wulf, Knut Wendelin, Andrea Renzelmann, Alexander Kiani, Heiko Trautmann, Martin Neumann, Nicola Gökbuget, Monika Brüggemann, and Claudia D. Baldus,
UBTF::ATXN7L3 gene fusion defines novel B cell precursor ALL subtype with CDX2 expression and need for intensified treatment, Leukemia , 2022.
Datei: s41375-022-01557-6
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{UBTF}::{ATXN7L3} gene fusion defines novel {B} cell precursor {ALL} subtype with {CDX2} expression and need for intensified treatment},
	issn = {0887-6924, 1476-5551},
	shorttitle = {{UBTF}},
	url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41375-022-01557-6},
	doi = {10.1038/s41375-022-01557-6},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2022-04-12},
	journal = {Leukemia},
	author = {Bastian, Lorenz and Hartmann, Alina M. and Beder, Thomas and Hänzelmann, Sonja and Kässens, Jan and Bultmann, Miriam and Hoeppner, Marc P. and Franzenburg, Sören and Wittig, Michael and Franke, Andre and Nagel, Inga and Spielmann, Malte and Reimer, Niklas and Busch, Hauke and Schwartz, Stefan and Steffen, Björn and Viardot, Andreas and Döhner, Konstanze and Kondakci, Mustafa and Wulf, Gerald and Wendelin, Knut and Renzelmann, Andrea and Kiani, Alexander and Trautmann, Heiko and Neumann, Martin and Gökbuget, Nicola and Brüggemann, Monika and Baldus, Claudia D.},
	month = apr,
	year = {2022},
[eng] Joshua Wiedekopf, Cora Drenkhahn, Lorenz Rosenau, Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
TerminoDiff - Detecting Semantic Differences in HL7 FHIR CodeSystems, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 294, pp. 362--366, 2022.
Datei: SHTI220475
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{TerminoDiff} - {Detecting} {Semantic} {Differences} in {HL7} {FHIR} {CodeSystems}},
	volume = {294},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI220475},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI220475},
	abstract = {While HL7 FHIR and its terminology package have seen a rapid uptake by the research community, in no small part due to the wide availability of tooling and resources, there are some areas where tool availability is still lacking. In particular, the comparison of terminological resources, which supports the work of terminologists and implementers alike, has not yet been sufficiently addressed. Hence, we present TerminoDiff, an application to semantically compare FHIR R4 CodeSystem resources. Our tool considers differences across all levels required, i.e. metadata and concept differences, as well as differences in the edge graph, and surfaces them in a visually digestible fashion.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Wiedekopf, Joshua and Drenkhahn, Cora and Rosenau, Lorenz and Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = may,
	year = {2022},
	pmid = {35612097},
	keywords = {Delivery of Health Care, Drug Packaging, Electronic Health Records, HL7 FHIR, Health Information Exchange, Health Level Seven, Metadata, Semantics, Terminology as Topic, Vocabulary},
	pages = {362--366},
[eng] Joshua Wiedekopf, Hannes Ulrich, Cora Drenkhahn, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
TermiCron - Bridging the Gap Between FHIR Terminology Servers and Metadata Repositories, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 290, pp. 71--75, 2022.
Datei: SHTI220034
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{TermiCron} - {Bridging} the {Gap} {Between} {FHIR} {Terminology} {Servers} and {Metadata} {Repositories}},
	volume = {290},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI220034},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI220034},
	abstract = {The large variability of data models, specifications, and interpretations of data elements is particular to the healthcare domain. Achieving semantic interoperability is the first step to enable reuse of healthcare data. To ensure interoperability, metadata repositories (MDR) are increasingly used to manage data elements on a structural level, while terminology servers (TS) manage the ontologies, terminologies, coding systems and value sets on a semantic level. In practice, however, this strict separation is not always followed; instead, semantical information is stored and maintained directly in the MDR, as a link between both systems is missing. This may be reasonable up to a certain level of complexity, but it quickly reaches its limitations with increasing complexity. The goal of this approach is to combine both components in a compatible manner. We present TermiCron, a synchronization engine that provides synchronized value sets from TS in MDRs, including versioning and annotations. Prototypical results were shown for the terminology server Ontoserver and two established MDR systems. Bridging the semantic and structural gap between the two infrastructure components, this approach enables shared use of metadata and reuse of corresponding health information by establishing a clear separation of the two systems and thus serves to strengthen reuse as well as to increase quality.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Wiedekopf, Joshua and Ulrich, Hannes and Drenkhahn, Cora and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = jun,
	year = {2022},
	pmid = {35672973},
	keywords = {Delivery of Health Care, HL7 FHIR, Health Facilities, Metadata, Metadata Repository, Secondary Use, Semantics},
	pages = {71--75},
[eng] Tessa Ohlsen, Valerie Kruse, Rosemarie Krupar, Alexandra Banach, Josef Ingenerf, and Cora Drenkhahn,
Mapping of ICD-O Tuples to OncoTree Codes Using SNOMED CT Post-Coordination, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 294, pp. 307--311, 2022.
Datei: SHTI220464
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Mapping of {ICD}-{O} {Tuples} to {OncoTree} {Codes} {Using} {SNOMED} {CT} {Post}-{Coordination}},
	volume = {294},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI220464},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI220464},
	abstract = {Around 500,000 oncological diseases are diagnosed in Germany every year which are documented using the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O). Apart from this, another classification for oncology, OncoTree, is often used for the integration of new research findings in oncology. For this purpose, a semi-automatic mapping of ICD-O tuples to OncoTree codes was developed. The implementation uses a FHIR terminology server, pre-coordinated or post-coordinated SNOMED CT expressions, and subsumption testing. Various validations have been applied. The results were compared with reference data of scientific papers and manually evaluated by a senior pathologist, confirming the applicability of SNOMED CT in general and its post-coordinated expressions in particular as a viable intermediate mapping step. Resulting in an agreement of 84,00 \% between the newly developed approach and the manual mapping, it becomes obvious that the present approach has the potential to be used in everyday medical practice.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Ohlsen, Tessa and Kruse, Valerie and Krupar, Rosemarie and Banach, Alexandra and Ingenerf, Josef and Drenkhahn, Cora},
	month = may,
	year = {2022},
	pmid = {35612082},
	keywords = {Germany, HL7 FHIR, ICD-O, International Classification of Diseases, Medical Oncology, OncoTree, Ontoserver, SNOMED CT, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, post-coordination, terminology server},
	pages = {307--311},
[en] Philipp Unberath, Lukas Mahlmeister, Niklas Reimer, Hauke Busch, Melanie Boerries, and Jan Christoph,
Searching of Clinical Trials Made Easier in cBioPortal Using Patients' Genetic and Clinical Profiles, Applied Clinical Informatics , vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 363--369, 2022.
Datei: DOI
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Searching of {Clinical} {Trials} {Made} {Easier} in {cBioPortal} {Using} {Patients}' {Genetic} and {Clinical} {Profiles}},
	volume = {13},
	issn = {1869-0327},
	url = {http://www.thieme-connect.de/DOI/DOI?10.1055/s-0042-1743560},
	doi = {10.1055/s-0042-1743560},
	abstract = {Abstract
            Background Molecular tumor boards (MTBs) cope with the complexity of an increased usage of genome sequencing data in cancer treatment. As for most of these patients, guideline-based therapy options are exhausted, finding matching clinical trials is crucial. This search process is often performed manually and therefore time consuming and complex due to the heterogeneous and challenging dataset.
            Objectives In this study, a prototype for a search tool was developed to demonstrate how cBioPortal as a clinical and genomic patient data source can be integrated with ClinicalTrials.gov, a database of clinical studies to simplify the search for trials based on genetic and clinical data of a patient. The design of this tool should rest on the specific needs of MTB participants and the architecture of the integration should be as lightweight as possible and should not require manual curation of trial data in advance with the goal of quickly and easily finding a matching study.
            Methods Based on a requirements analysis, interviewing MTB experts, a prototype was developed. It was further refined using a user-centered development process with multiple feedback loops. Finally, the usability of the application was evaluated with user interviews including the thinking-aloud protocol and the system usability scale (SUS) questionnaire.
            Results The integration of ClinicalTrials.gov in cBioPortal is achieved by a new tab in the patient view where the genomic profile for the search is prefilled and additional parameters can be adjusted. These parameters are then used to query the application programming interface (API) of ClinicalTrials.gov. The returned search results subsequently are ranked and presented to the user. The evaluation of the application resulted in an SUS score of 83.5.
            Conclusion This work demonstrates the integration of cBioPortal with ClinicalTrials.gov to use clinical and genomic patient data to search for appropriate trials within an MTB.},
	language = {en},
	number = {02},
	urldate = {2022-03-31},
	journal = {Applied Clinical Informatics},
	author = {Unberath, Philipp and Mahlmeister, Lukas and Reimer, Niklas and Busch, Hauke and Boerries, Melanie and Christoph, Jan},
	month = mar,
	year = {2022},
	pages = {363--369},
Anke Neumann, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Desiree Grabow, Diana Walz, Anna-Liesa Filbert, Thorsten Langer, and Josef Ingenerf,
Mapping, modeling and standardization of clinical data into the HL7 FHIR specification for the EU project PanCareSurPass, in Student conference proceedings 2022 , Lübeck: Infinite Science Publishing / Infinite Science Publishing, 2022. pp. 273--276.
[en] Kai Vogl, Josef Ingenerf, Jan Kramer, Christine Chantraine, and Cora Drenkhahn,
LUMA: A Mapping Assistant for Standardizing the Units of LOINC-Coded Laboratory Tests, Applied Sciences , vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 5848, 2022.
Datei: 5848
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{LUMA}: {A} {Mapping} {Assistant} for {Standardizing} the {Units} of {LOINC}-{Coded} {Laboratory} {Tests}},
	volume = {12},
	copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/},
	issn = {2076-3417},
	shorttitle = {{LUMA}},
	url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/12/5848},
	doi = {10.3390/app12125848},
	abstract = {The coding system Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) serves the unambiguous electronic communication of physical quantities and their measurements and has faced a slow uptake. Despite being closely related to popular healthcare standards such as LOINC, laboratories still majorly report results using proprietary unit terms. Currently available methods helping users create mappings between their units and UCUM are not flexible and automated enough to be of great use in trying to remedy this. We propose the “LOINC to UCUM Mapping Assistant” (LUMA) as a tool able to overcome the drawbacks of existing approaches while being more accessible even to inexperienced users. By mapping LOINC’s Property axis to representations within UCUM reflecting its semantics, we were able to formalize the association between the two. An HL7 FHIR back-end provides LUMA with UCUM unit recommendations sourced from existing lookup tables simply by providing it with a LOINC code. Additionally, the mappings users created may be used to perform unit conversions from proprietary units to UCUM. The tool was evaluated with five participants from the LADR laboratory network in Germany, who valued the streamlined approach to creating the mappings and particularly emphasized the utility of being able to perform unit conversions within the tool.},
	language = {en},
	number = {12},
	urldate = {2022-06-08},
	journal = {Applied Sciences},
	author = {Vogl, Kai and Ingenerf, Josef and Kramer, Jan and Chantraine, Christine and Drenkhahn, Cora},
	month = jan,
	year = {2022},
	note = {Number: 12
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute},
	keywords = {HL7 FHIR, LOINC, RELMA, REST, UCUM, mapping, standardization},
	pages = {5848},
[eng] Lorenz Rosenau, Raphael W. Majeed, Josef Ingenerf, Alexander Kiel, Björn Kroll, Thomas Köhler, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, and Julian Gruendner,
Generation of a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based Ontology for Federated Feasibility Queries in the Context of COVID-19: Feasibility Study, JMIR medical informatics , vol. 10, no. 4, pp. e35789, 2022.
Datei: 35789
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Generation of a {Fast} {Healthcare} {Interoperability} {Resources} ({FHIR})-based {Ontology} for {Federated} {Feasibility} {Queries} in the {Context} of {COVID}-19: {Feasibility} {Study}},
	volume = {10},
	issn = {2291-9694},
	shorttitle = {Generation of a {Fast} {Healthcare} {Interoperability} {Resources} ({FHIR})-based {Ontology} for {Federated} {Feasibility} {Queries} in the {Context} of {COVID}-19},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.2196/35789},
	doi = {10.2196/35789},
	abstract = {BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of making research data from all German hospitals available to scientists to respond to current and future pandemics promptly. The heterogeneous data originating from proprietary systems at hospitals' sites must be harmonized and accessible. The German Corona Consensus Dataset (GECCO) specifies how data for COVID-19 patients will be standardized in Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) profiles across German hospitals. However, given the complexity of the FHIR standard, the data harmonization is not sufficient to make the data accessible. A simplified visual representation is needed to reduce the technical burden, while allowing feasibility queries.
OBJECTIVE: This study investigates how a search ontology can be automatically generated using FHIR profiles and a terminology server. Furthermore, it describes how this ontology can be used in a user interface (UI) and how a mapping and a terminology tree created together with the ontology can translate user input into FHIR queries.
METHODS: We used the FHIR profiles from the GECCO data set combined with a terminology server to generate an ontology and the required mapping files for the translation. We analyzed the profiles and identified search criteria for the visual representation. In this process, we reduced the complex profiles to code value pairs for improved usability. We enriched our ontology with the necessary information to display it in a UI. We also developed an intermediate query language to transform the queries from the UI to federated FHIR requests. Separation of concerns resulted in discrepancies between the criteria used in the intermediate query format and the target query language. Therefore, a mapping was created to reintroduce all information relevant for creating the query in its target language. Further, we generated a tree representation of the ontology hierarchy, which allows resolving child concepts in the process.
RESULTS: In the scope of this project, 82 (99\%) of 83 elements defined in the GECCO profile were successfully implemented. We verified our solution based on an independently developed test patient. A discrepancy between the test data and the criteria was found in 6 cases due to different versions used to generate the test data and the UI profiles, the support for specific code systems, and the evaluation of postcoordinated Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) codes. Our results highlight the need for governance mechanisms for version changes, concept mapping between values from different code systems encoding the same concept, and support for different unit dimensions.
CONCLUSIONS: We developed an automatic process to generate ontology and mapping files for FHIR-formatted data. Our tests found that this process works for most of our chosen FHIR profile criteria. The process established here works directly with FHIR profiles and a terminology server, making it extendable to other FHIR profiles and demonstrating that automatic ontology generation on FHIR profiles is feasible.},
	language = {eng},
	number = {4},
	journal = {JMIR medical informatics},
	author = {Rosenau, Lorenz and Majeed, Raphael W. and Ingenerf, Josef and Kiel, Alexander and Kroll, Björn and Köhler, Thomas and Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich and Gruendner, Julian},
	month = apr,
	year = {2022},
        pmid = {35380548},
        pages = {e35789},
[eng] Julian Gruendner, Noemi Deppenwiese, Michael Folz, Thomas Köhler, Björn Kroll, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Lorenz Rosenau, Mathias Rühle, Marc-Anton Scheidl, Christina Schüttler, Brita Sedlmayr, Alexander Twrdik, Alexander Kiel, and Raphael W. Majeed,
Architecture for a feasibility query portal for distributed COVID-19 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) patient data repositories: Design and Implementation Study, JMIR medical informatics , 2022.
Datei: 36709
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Architecture for a feasibility query portal for distributed {COVID}-19 {Fast} {Healthcare} {Interoperability} {Resources} ({FHIR}) patient data repositories: {Design} and {Implementation} {Study}},
	issn = {2291-9694},
	shorttitle = {Architecture for a feasibility query portal for distributed {COVID}-19 {Fast} {Healthcare} {Interoperability} {Resources} ({FHIR}) patient data repositories},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.2196/36709},
	doi = {10.2196/36709},
	abstract = {BACKGROUND: An essential step in any medical research project after having identified the research question is to find out if there are enough patients available for a study and where to find them. Pursuing digital feasibility queries on available patient data registries has proven to be an excellent way of reusing existing real world data sources. To support multicentric research, these feasibility queries should be designed and implemented to run across multiple sites and securely access local data. Working across hospitals usually also means working with different data formats and vocabularies. Recently, the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard has been developed by HL7 to address this concern and describe patient data in a standardized format. The Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) in Germany has committed to this standard and created Data Integration Centers, which convert existing data into the FHIR format at each hospital. This partially solves the interoperability problem, however a distributed feasibility query platform for the FHIR standard is still missing.
OBJECTIVE: This study describes the design and implementation of the components involved in creating a cross-hospital feasibility query platform for researchers based on FHIR resources. This effort is part of a larger COVID-19 data exchange platform (CODEX) and is designed to be scalable for a broad range of patient data.
METHODS: We analyzed and designed the abstract components necessary for a distributed feasibility query. This included a user interface for creating the query, a backend with an ontology and terminology service, a middleware for query distribution and a FHIR feasibility query execution service.
RESULTS: We implemented the components identified in the methods. The resulting solution was distributed to 33 German university hospitals. The functionality of the comprehensive network infrastructure was demonstrated using a test dataset based on the German Corona Consensus Dataset (GECCO). A performance test using specifically created synthetic data revealed the applicability of our solution to datasets containing millions of FHIR resources. The solution can be easily deployed across the hospitals and supports feasibility queries, combining multiple inclusion and exclusion criteria using standard Health Level Seven (HL7) query languages such as the Clinical Quality Language (CQL) and FHIR Search. Developing a platform based on multiple microservices allowed us to create an extendable platform and support multiple HL7 query languages and middleware components to allow integration with future directions of the Medical Informatics Initiative.
CONCLUSIONS: We designed and implemented a feasibility platform for distributed feasibility queries, which works directly on FHIR formatted data and distributed it across 33 university hospitals in Germany. We showed that developing a feasibility platform directly on the FHIR standard is feasible.
	language = {eng},
	journal = {JMIR medical informatics},
	author = {Gruendner, Julian and Deppenwiese, Noemi and Folz, Michael and Köhler, Thomas and Kroll, Björn and Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich and Rosenau, Lorenz and Rühle, Mathias and Scheidl, Marc-Anton and Schüttler, Christina and Sedlmayr, Brita and Twrdik, Alexander and Kiel, Alexander and Majeed, Raphael W.},
	month = apr,
	year = {2022},
	pmid = {35486893},


Niklas Reimer, Hannes Ulrich, Hauke Busch, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
openEHR Mapper – A Tool to Fuse Clinical and Genomic Data Using the openEHR Standard, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and Brannath, Werner and Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich and Schmidtmann, Irene and Stolpe, Susanne and Zapf, Antonia, Eds. IOS Press, 2021.
ISBN:978-1-64368-176-4 978-1-64368-177-1
Datei: SHTI210055
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{openEHR} {Mapper} – {A} {Tool} to {Fuse} {Clinical} and {Genomic} {Data} {Using} the {openEHR} {Standard}},
	isbn = {978-1-64368-176-4 978-1-64368-177-1},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI210055},
	abstract = {Precision medicine is an emerging and important field for health care. Molecular tumor boards use a combination of clinical and molecular data, such as somatic tumor mutations to decide on personalized therapies for patients who have run out of standard treatment options. Personalized treatment decisions require clinical data from the hospital information system and mutation data to be accessible in a structured way. Here we introduce an open data platform to meet these requirements. We use the openEHR standard to create an expert-curated data model that is stored in a vendor-neutral format. Clinical and molecular patient data is integrated into cBioPortal, a warehousing solution for cancer genomic studies that is extended for use in clinical routine for molecular tumor boards. For data integration, we developed openEHR Mapper, a tool that allows to (i) process input data, (ii) communicate with the openEHR repository, and (iii) export the data to cBioPortal. We benchmarked the mapper performance using XML and JSON as serialization format and added caching capabilities as well as multi-threading to the openEHR Mapper.},
	urldate = {2021-05-29},
	booktitle = {Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics}},
	publisher = {IOS Press},
	author = {Reimer, Niklas and Ulrich, Hannes and Busch, Hauke and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and Brannath, Werner and Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich and Schmidtmann, Irene and Stolpe, Susanne and Zapf, Antonia},
	month = may,
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210055},
[eng] Abdul-Mateen Rajput, and Cora Drenkhahn,
Perspectives and Obstacles for Transforming Terminologies into FHIR CodeSystems Exemplified by Alpha-ID, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 281, pp. 213--217, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Perspectives and {Obstacles} for {Transforming} {Terminologies} into {FHIR} {CodeSystems} {Exemplified} by {Alpha}-{ID}},
	volume = {281},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210151},
	abstract = {The terminology services, defined as part of the emerging FHIR standard, yield a promising approach to finally achieve a common handling of coding systems needed for semantic interoperability. As a precondition, legacy terminology data must be transformed into FHIR-compatible resources whereby varying source formats make a manual case-by-case solution impracticable. In this work, the practicability of using CSIRO's Ontoserver and the related Snapper tool as support of the transformation process were evaluated by applying them to the German Alpha-ID terminology.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Rajput, Abdul-Mateen and Drenkhahn, Cora},
	year = {2021},
	pmid = {34042736},
	keywords = {Alpha-ID, FHIR Code System, HiGHmed, ICD-10-GM, Ontoserver, Semantic Interoperability, Terminology Server},
	pages = {213--217},
[en] Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Björn Schreiweis, Hannes Ulrich, Niklas Reimer, Joshua Wiedekopf, Benjamin Kinast, Hauke Busch, Björn Bergh, and Josef Ingenerf,
Medical Data Engineering – Theory and Practice, in Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era , Bellatreche, Ladjel and Chernishev, George and Corral, Antonio and Ouchani, Samir and Vain, Jüri, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 269--284.
ISBN:978-3-030-87656-2 978-3-030-87657-9
Datei: 978-3-030-87657-9_21
Friedrich Simon, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Hannes Ulrich, Martina Oberländer, Regina Maushagen, Flügge Friedemann, and Josef Ingenerf,
Provision of sensitive clinical and biobank data for research in compliance with data protection regulations, Infinite Science Publishing, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	location = {Luebeck},
	title = {Provision of sensitive clinical and biobank data for research in compliance with data protection regulations},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-65-2},
	series = {Student Conference Proceedings},
	abstract = {The Interdisciplinary Center for Biobanking-Lübeck is a centralized biobank operating at the Campus Lübeck. They pro-vide a clinical research infrastructure which enables a researcher to search for patient and sample data in pseudonymizedform.  An approved data protection concept exists for the process and is in routine use.  The established process is time-consuming and requires many manual steps. Extensions and necessary adaptations on the process are difficult due to theimplemented architecture and techniques.  The aim of this project is to renew and improve the process of provision ofpseudonymized data to researchers, without the need to change the data protection concept. The first step was to analyseand describe the existing process in detail. Next resulted in a Selection, Pseudonymisation and Synchronisation Pipeline({SPSP}), which extends the existing infrastructure and fulfils all aspects of the data protection concept.},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Simon, Friedrich and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ulrich, Hannes and Oberländer, Martina and Maushagen, Regina and Friedemann, Flügge and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2021},
[en] Antje Wulff, Claas Baier, Sarah Ballout, Erik Tute, Kim Katrin Sommer, Martin Kaase, Anneka Sargeant, Cora Drenkhahn, Dirk Schlüter, Michael Marschollek, and Simone Scheithauer,
Transformation of microbiology data into a standardised data representation using OpenEHR, Scientific Reports , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 10556, 2021.
Datei: s41598-021-89796-y
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Transformation of microbiology data into a standardised data representation using {OpenEHR}},
	volume = {11},
	copyright = {2021 The Author(s)},
	issn = {2045-2322},
	url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-89796-y},
	doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-89796-y},
	abstract = {The spread of multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO) is a global healthcare challenge. Nosocomial outbreaks caused by MDRO are an important contributor to this threat. Computer-based applications facilitating outbreak detection can be essential to address this issue. To allow application reusability across institutions, the various heterogeneous microbiology data representations needs to be transformed into standardised, unambiguous data models. In this work, we present a multi-centric standardisation approach by using openEHR as modelling standard. Data models have been consented in a multicentre and international approach. Participating sites integrated microbiology reports from primary source systems into an openEHR-based data platform. For evaluation, we implemented a prototypical application, compared the transformed data with original reports and conducted automated data quality checks. We were able to develop standardised and interoperable microbiology data models. The publicly available data models can be used across institutions to transform real-life microbiology reports into standardised representations. The implementation of a proof-of-principle and quality control application demonstrated that the new formats as well as the integration processes are feasible. Holistic transformation of microbiological data into standardised openEHR based formats is feasible in a real-life multicentre setting and lays the foundation for developing cross-institutional, automated outbreak detection systems.},
	language = {en},
	number = {1},
	urldate = {2021-07-14},
	journal = {Scientific Reports},
	author = {Wulff, Antje and Baier, Claas and Ballout, Sarah and Tute, Erik and Sommer, Kim Katrin and Kaase, Martin and Sargeant, Anneka and Drenkhahn, Cora and Schlüter, Dirk and Marschollek, Michael and Scheithauer, Simone},
	month = may,
	year = {2021},
	note = {Bandiera\_abtest: a
Cc\_license\_type: cc\_by
Cg\_type: Nature Research Journals
Number: 1
Primary\_atype: Research
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Subject\_term: Computational biology and bioinformatics;Microbiology
Subject\_term\_id: computational-biology-and-bioinformatics;microbiology},
	pages = {10556},
Björn Schreiweis, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
One Conference, Three Proceedings – Which Papers Should I Submit and How? A Publication Strategy for Young Scientists Regarding the {GMDS} Annual Conference and Beyond (Editorial), in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and König, Jochem and Ose, Claudia and Rauch, Geraldine and Sax, Ulrich and Schreiweis, Björn and Sedlmayr, Martin, Eds. {IOS} Press, 2021.
ISBN:978-1-64368-206-8 978-1-64368-207-5
Datei: SHTI210535
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {One Conference, Three Proceedings – Which Papers Should I Submit and How? A Publication Strategy for Young Scientists Regarding the {GMDS} Annual Conference and Beyond (Editorial)},
	isbn = {978-1-64368-206-8 978-1-64368-207-5},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI210535},
	shorttitle = {One Conference, Three Proceedings – Which Papers Should I Submit and How?},
	abstract = {The primary intention of any scientific work is to share the gained knowledge and to contribute to the knowledge and progress in the scientific domain. The wide range of journals and conferences, each with specific submission requirements, can be difficult to navigate, especially for young scientists without extensive experience. But a suitable publication strategy can be helpful, especially at the beginning of a scientific career. Using the annual conference of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology ({GMDS}) e.V. as an example, this editorial highlights fundamental differences, advantages and disadvantages, as well as assistance in selecting the right form of submission.},
	booktitle = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	publisher = {{IOS} Press},
	author = {Schreiweis, Björn and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin},
	editor = {Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and König, Jochem and Ose, Claudia and Rauch, Geraldine and Sax, Ulrich and Schreiweis, Björn and Sedlmayr, Martin},
        year = {2021},
	urldate = {2021-09-22},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210535},
Joshua Wiedekopf, Cora Drenkhahn, Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
Providing ART-DECOR ValueSets via FHIR Terminology Servers – A Technical Report, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and König, Jochem and Ose, Claudia and Rauch, Geraldine and Sax, Ulrich and Schreiweis, Björn and Sedlmayr, Martin, Eds. IOS Press, 2021.
ISBN:978-1-64368-206-8 978-1-64368-207-5
Datei: SHTI210550
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Providing {ART}-{DECOR} {ValueSets} via {FHIR} {Terminology} {Servers} – {A} {Technical} {Report}},
	isbn = {978-1-64368-206-8 978-1-64368-207-5},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI210550},
	abstract = {To ensure semantic interoperability within healthcare systems, using common, curated terminological systems to identify relevant concepts is of fundamental importance. The HL7 FHIR standard specifies means of modelling terminological systems and appropriate ways of accessing and querying these artefacts within a terminology server. Hence, initiatives towards healthcare interoperability like IHE specify not only software interfaces, but also common codes in the form of value sets and code systems. The way in which these coding tables are provided is not necessarily compatible to the current version of the HL7 FHIR specification and therefore cannot be used with current HL7 FHIR-based terminology servers. This work demonstrates a conversion of terminological resources specified by the Integrating the Healthcare Initiative in the ART-DECOR platform, partly available in HL7 FHIR, to ensure that they can be used within a HL7 FHIR-based terminological server. The approach itself can be used for other terminological resources specified within ART-DECOR but can also be used as the basis for other code-driven conversions of proprietary coding schemes.},
	urldate = {2021-09-28},
	booktitle = {Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics}},
	publisher = {IOS Press},
	author = {Wiedekopf, Joshua and Drenkhahn, Cora and Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Röhrig, Rainer and Beißbarth, Tim and König, Jochem and Ose, Claudia and Rauch, Geraldine and Sax, Ulrich and Schreiweis, Björn and Sedlmayr, Martin},
	month = sep,
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210550},
[en] Ulrich Sax, Stefan Ortmann, Matthias Gietzelt, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Björn Schreiweis, Maximilian Ertl, Martin Sedlmayr, Tibor Kesztyues, Roland Eils, and Dagmar Krefting,
HiGHmed Medical Data Integration Centers and their Different Architecture Designs (Workshop), 2021.
Datei: 21gmds122.shtml
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{HiGHmed} {Medical} {Data} {Integration} {Centers} and their {Different} {Architecture} {Designs} ({Workshop})},
	copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
	url = {https://www.egms.de/en/meetings/gmds2021/21gmds122.shtml},
	doi = {10.3205/21GMDS122},
	abstract = {Introduction: The collaborative efforts of the German Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) [ref:1] [BS1] especially on methods of informed consent and information model standardization [ref:1] pave the way on making healthcare data findable and accessible for research [for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2021-09-30},
	author = {Sax, Ulrich and Ortmann, Stefan and Gietzelt, Matthias and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Schreiweis, Björn and Ertl, Maximilian and Sedlmayr, Martin and Kesztyues, Tibor and Eils, Roland and Krefting, Dagmar},
	month = sep,
	year = {2021},
	note = {Medium: text/html
Publisher: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	keywords = {Architecture, Data Integration Center, FOS: Civil engineering, HiGHmed, Interoperability, Medicine and health},
Niklas Reimer, Philipp Unberath, Hauke Busch, and Josef Ingenerf,
FhirSpark – Implementing a Mediation Layer to Bring FHIR to the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , Mantas, John and Stoicu-Tivadar, Lăcrămioara and Chronaki, Catherine and Hasman, Arie and Weber, Patrick and Gallos, Parisis and Crişan-Vida, Mihaela and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Chirila, Oana Sorina, Eds. IOS Press, 2021.
ISBN:978-1-64368-184-9 978-1-64368-185-6
Datei: SHTI210169
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{FhirSpark} – {Implementing} a {Mediation} {Layer} to {Bring} {FHIR} to the {cBioPortal} for {Cancer} {Genomics}},
	isbn = {978-1-64368-184-9 978-1-64368-185-6},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI210169},
	abstract = {cBioPortal is a commonly used data warehousing solution for genomic cancer studies. The software is being extended for patient care application in a molecular tumor board by the MIRACUM consortium within the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany. A key feature for this use case is the ability to enter therapy recommendations for individual patients, which requires interoperability with the hospital information system. A RESTful interface between cBioPortal and an external mediation layer was selected from the different implementation options. It achieves interoperability by using a FHIR capable server to store data and applying the HL7 FHIR Genomics Reporting implementation guide. For systems not supporting the FHIR standard, the well-established HL7 Version 2 standard is available as a fallback export format.},
	urldate = {2021-05-29},
	booktitle = {Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics}},
	publisher = {IOS Press},
	author = {Reimer, Niklas and Unberath, Philipp and Busch, Hauke and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Mantas, John and Stoicu-Tivadar, Lăcrămioara and Chronaki, Catherine and Hasman, Arie and Weber, Patrick and Gallos, Parisis and Crişan-Vida, Mihaela and Zoulias, Emmanouil and Chirila, Oana Sorina},
	month = may,
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210169},
[engl] Alexandra Banach, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Hannes Ulrich, and Josef Ingenerf,
Evaluating Automated Methods for Metadata Quality in Healthcare, Berlin: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2021. pp. DocAbstr. 221.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Berlin},
	title = {Evaluating {Automated} {Methods} for {Metadata} {Quality} in {Healthcare}},
	copyright = {This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.},
	doi = {10.3205/20gmds192},
	language = {engl},
	publisher = {German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	author = {Banach, Alexandra and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ulrich, Hannes and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = feb,
	year = {2021},
	keywords = {ISO 11179, evaluation, metadata},
	pages = {DocAbstr. 221},
[eng] Joshua Wiedekopf, Hannes Ulrich, Andrea Essenwanger, Alexander Kiel, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
Desiderata for a Synthetic Clinical Data Generator, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 281, pp. 68--72, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Desiderata for a {Synthetic} {Clinical} {Data} {Generator}},
	volume = {281},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210122},
	abstract = {The current movement in Medical Informatics towards comprehensive Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has enabled a wide range of secondary use cases for this data. However, due to a number of well-justified concerns and barriers, especially with regards to information privacy, access to real medical records by researchers is often not possible, and indeed not always required. An appealing alternative to the use of real patient data is the employment of a generator for realistic, yet synthetic, EHRs. However, we have identified a number of shortcomings in prior works, especially with regards to the adaptability of the projects to the requirements of the German healthcare system. Based on three case studies, we define a non-exhaustive list of requirements for an ideal generator project that can be used in a wide range of localities and settings, to address and enable future work in this regard.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Wiedekopf, Joshua and Ulrich, Hannes and Essenwanger, Andrea and Kiel, Alexander and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = may,
	year = {2021},
	pmid = {34042707},
	keywords = {Electronic Health Records, Humans, Medical Informatics, Privacy, RS-EHR, Realistic Synthetic Electronic Health Records, Requirements, Secondary Use, Synthetic Data},
	pages = {68--72},
Niklas Reimer, Philipp Unberath, Hauke Busch, Melanie Börries, Patrick Metzger, Arsenij Ustjanzew, Christopher Renner, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, and Jan Christoph,
Challenges and Experiences Extending the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics to a Molecular Tumor Board Platform, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , IOS Press, 2021.
ISBN:978-1-64368-236-5 978-1-64368-237-2
Datei: SHTI210833
[engl] Alexandra Banach, Hannes Ulrich, Björn Kroll, Alexander Kiel, Josef Ingenerf, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
Benefits of MII Core Dataset and HL7 FHIR-Based Tooling for Automated Recruiting Purposes, Kiel: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2021. pp. DocAbstr. 125.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Kiel},
	title = {Benefits of {MII} {Core} {Dataset} and {HL7} {FHIR}-{Based} {Tooling} for {Automated} {Recruiting} {Purposes}},
	copyright = {This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.},
	doi = {10.3205/21gmds027},
	language = {engl},
	publisher = {German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	author = {Banach, Alexandra and Ulrich, Hannes and Kroll, Björn and Kiel, Alexander and Ingenerf, Josef and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin},
	month = sep,
	year = {2021},
	keywords = {CQL, FHIR, NLP, clinical trials, patient recruitment},
	pages = {DocAbstr. 125},
[eng] Alexandra Banach, Hannes Ulrich, Björn Kroll, Alexander Kiel, Josef Ingenerf, and Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
APERITIF - Automatic Patient Recruiting for Clinical Trials Based on HL7 FHIR, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 281, pp. 58--62, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{APERITIF} - {Automatic} {Patient} {Recruiting} for {Clinical} {Trials} {Based} on {HL7} {FHIR}},
	volume = {281},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210120},
	abstract = {Clinical trials are carried out to prove the safety and effectiveness of new interventions and therapies. As diseases and their causes continue to become more specific, so do inclusion and exclusion criteria for trials. Patient recruitment has always been a challenge, but with medical progress, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the necessary number of cases. In Germany, the Medical Informatics Initiative is planning to use the central application and registration office to conduct feasibility analyses at an early stage and thus to identify suitable project partners. This approach aims to technically adapt/integrate the envisioned infrastructure in such a way that it can be used for trial case number estimation for the planning of multicenter clinical trials. We have developed a fully automated solution called APERITIF that can identify the number of eligible patients based on free-text eligibility criteria, taking into account the MII core data set and based on the FHIR standard. The evaluation showed a precision of 62.64 \% for inclusion criteria and a precision of 66.45 \% for exclusion criteria.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Banach, Alexandra and Ulrich, Hannes and Kroll, Björn and Kiel, Alexander and Ingenerf, Josef and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin},
	month = may,
	year = {2021},
	pmid = {34042705},
	keywords = {CQL, Electronic Health Records, FHIR, Germany, Humans, Medical Informatics, NLP, clinical trials, patient recruitment},
	pages = {58--62},
[eng] Hannes Ulrich, Paul Behrend, Joshua Wiedekopf, Cora Drenkhahn, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Josef Ingenerf,
Hands on the Medical Informatics Initiative Core Data Set - Lessons Learned from Converting the MIMIC-IV, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 283, pp. 119--126, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Hands on the {Medical} {Informatics} {Initiative} {Core} {Data} {Set} - {Lessons} {Learned} from {Converting} the {MIMIC}-{IV}},
	volume = {283},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI210549},
	abstract = {With the steady increase in the connectivity of the healthcare system, new requirements and challenges are emerging. In addition to the seamless exchange of data between service providers on a national level, the local legacy data must also meet the new requirements. For this purpose, the applications used must be tested securely and sufficiently. However, the availability of suitable and realistic test data is not always given. Therefore, this study deals with the creation of test data based on real electronic health record data provided by the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-IV) database. In addition to converting the data to the current FHIR R4, conversion to the core data sets of the German Medical Informatics Initiative was also presented and made available. The test data was generated to simulate a legacy data transfer. Moreover, four different FHIR servers were tested for performance. This study is the first step toward comparable test scenarios around shared datasets and promotes comparability among providers on a national level.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Behrend, Paul and Wiedekopf, Joshua and Drenkhahn, Cora and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = sep,
	year = {2021},
	pmid = {34545827},
	keywords = {Data Integration, Delivery of Health Care, Electronic Health Records, HL7 FHIR, Information Dissemination, MIMIC-IV, Medical Informatics},
	pages = {119--126},


Alexandra Banach, Ann Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Hannes Ulrich, and Josef Ingenerf,
MetaCheck – a Web Application for the Automatic Evaluation of Metadata in Healthcare, Infinite Science Publishing, 2020. pp. 143--146.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	series = {Student {Conference} {Proceedings}},
	title = {{MetaCheck} – a {Web} {Application} for the {Automatic} {Evaluation} of {Metadata} in {Healthcare}},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-62-1},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Banach, Alexandra and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann Kristin and Ulrich, Hannes and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
	pages = {143--146}
Cora Drenkhahn, Sebastian Burmester, Sarah Ballout, Hannes Ulrich, Joshua Wiedekopf, and Josef Ingenerf,
Using FHIR terminology services-based tools for mapping of local microbiological pathogen terms to SNOMED CT at a German university hospital, 2020.
Datei: A-148.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Using {FHIR} terminology services-based tools for mapping of local microbiological pathogen terms to {SNOMED} {CT} at a German university hospital},
	url = {https://dvmd.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/A-148.pdf},
	eventtitle = {16. {DVMD}-Fachtagung, Leipzig, 25. bis 26. Februar 2021},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora and Burmester, Sebastian and Ballout, Sarah and Ulrich, Hannes and Wiedekopf, Joshua and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
[eng] Cora Drenkhahn, and Josef Ingenerf,
The LOINC Content Model and Its Limitations of Usage in the Laboratory Domain, in Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics} , 2020. pp. 437--442.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {The {LOINC} {Content} {Model} and {Its} {Limitations} of {Usage} in the {Laboratory} {Domain}},
	volume = {270},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI200198},
	abstract = {To unambiguously encode the semantic meaning of laboratory tests, the LOINC terminology is widely used. With regard to the constantly changing and diverse requirements of the laboratory domain, LOINC's long-established content model and related publications are reviewed conjointly, revealing some obstacles for flexible adaptation in terms of new or varying application needs as well as issues regarding the comprehensive reusability of lab data. In a concise overview, four specific limitations are identified that require adaptation or the usage of other terminologies.},
	language = {eng},
	booktitle = {Studies in {Health} {Technology} and {Informatics}},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = jun,
	year = {2020},
	pmid = {32570422},
	keywords = {Clinical Laboratory, Semantic Interoperability, Terminologies},
	pages = {437--442},
Abdul Mateen Rajput, Sarah Ballout, and Cora Drenkhahn,
Standardizing the Unit of Measurements in LOINC-Coded Laboratory Tests Can Significantly Improve Semantic Interoperability, pp. 234--235, 2020.
Datei: SHTI200733
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Standardizing the Unit of Measurements in {LOINC}-Coded Laboratory Tests Can Significantly Improve Semantic Interoperability},
	url = {https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI200733},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI200733},
	pages = {234--235},
	journaltitle = {Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care},
	author = {Rajput, Abdul Mateen and Ballout, Sarah and Drenkhahn, Cora},
	urldate = {2021-09-15},
	year = {2020},
	note = {Publisher: {IOS} Press},
Cora M. Drenkhahn, and Josef Ingenerf,
Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT, no. 3, pp. 81--84, 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Referenzterminologie {SNOMED} {CT}},
	pages = {81--84},
	number = {3},
	journaltitle = {medizin://dokumentation/informatik/informationsmanagement/ (mdi), {BVMI} und {DVMD}},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora M. and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
Niklas Reimer, Hauke Busch, and Josef Ingenerf,
Deploying a molecular tumor board on an open platform, Infinite Science Publishing, 2020. pp. 139--142.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Deploying a molecular tumor board on an open platform},
	series = {Student Conference Proceedings},
	pages = {139--142},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Reimer, Niklas and Busch, Hauke and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
Torge Ablaß, Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Friedrich Simon, Stefanie Wagenzink, Regina Maushagen, Jens K. Habermann, and Josef Ingenerf,
Konzeption und Implementierung einer Geräteschnittstelle des TECAN EVO Aliquotierroboter im Biobankkontext, GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie , 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Konzeption und {Implementierung} einer {Geräteschnittstelle} des {TECAN} {EVO} {Aliquotierroboter} im {Biobankkontext}},
	journal = {GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie},
	author = {Ablaß, Torge and Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Simon, Friedrich and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Maushagen, Regina and Habermann, Jens K. and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
Kai Vogl, Hannes Ulrich, and Josef Ingenerf,
Generation of message transformers based on HL7 FHIR StructureMaps within the interface engine Mirth, in Student Conference Proceedings , Infinite Science Publishing, 2020, pp. 131--134.
Niclas Kath, Arne Seidel, and Josef Ingenerf,
Connecting Old Devices Safely To The Cloud, Infinite Science Publishing, 2020. pp. 277--280.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	series = {Student {Conference} {Proceedings}},
	title = {Connecting {Old} {Devices} {Safely} {To} {The} {Cloud}},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-62-1},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Kath, Niclas and Seidel, Arne and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
	pages = {277--280}
[eng] Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Cora Drenkhahn, Matthias Löbe, and Josef Ingenerf,
Analysis of ISO/TS 21526 Towards the Extension of a Standardized Query API, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 275, pp. 202--206, 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Analysis of {ISO}/{TS} 21526 {Towards} the {Extension} of a {Standardized} {Query} {API}},
	volume = {275},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI200723},
	abstract = {Metadata is often used for different tasks in the field of medical informatics: semantic description of data, quality validation, data integration, or information retrieval. Metadata definitions are captured and curated in time-consuming tasks and stored in metadata repositories that manage and preserve the metadata. Due to technical and legal restrictions, metadata is rarely as easily accessible and interoperable as it is necessary for modern information systems. In a previous study, a uniform interface based on the widely used ISO/IEC 11179 and the Facebook data retrieval language GraphQL was introduced as a solution to these technical obstacles. In the meantime, the ISO standard 21526 has been published, a recent version designed with a strong focus on health informatics. While it is conceptually oriented on the metamodel in ISO 11179, a number of extensions but also restructurings have been introduced. In this study, the authors investigated the difference between ISO 11179 and ISO 21526 and extended the unified metadata query interface to be future-proof and in particular, to support the semantic extensions of ISO 21526.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Drenkhahn, Cora and Löbe, Matthias and Ingenerf, Josef},
	month = nov,
	year = {2020},
	pmid = {33227769},
	keywords = {GraphQL, ISO 11179, ISO 21526, Metadata, Metadata Repository},
	pages = {202--206},
Linus Barkow, Oliver Meincke, Hannes Ulrich, and Josef Ingenerf,
Analysis of Data Loss when using the Archiving and Exchange Interface for Practice Management Systems, Infinite Science Publishing, 2020. pp. 123--126.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	series = {Student {Conference} {Proceedings}},
	title = {Analysis of {Data} {Loss} when using the {Archiving} and {Exchange} {Interface} for {Practice} {Management} {Systems}},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-62-1},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Barkow, Linus and Meincke, Oliver and Ulrich, Hannes and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2020},
	pages = {123--126}
Hannes Ulrich, Sebastian Germer, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Jori Kern, Martin Lablans, and Josef Ingenerf,
A Smart Mapping Editor for Standardised Data Transformation, vol. 270, pp. 1185--1186, 2020.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {A Smart Mapping Editor for Standardised Data Transformation},
	volume = {270},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI200354},
	abstract = {The integration of heterogeneous healthcare data sources is a necessary process to enable the secondary use valuable information in clinical research. Data integration is time-consuming for data stewards. The transformation using predefined rules for data harmonization can reduce the time-consuming and error-prone work and ease the data integration at various sites. In our study, we examined various script(ing) languages to find the most suitable candidate for definition of transformation rules and implement a smart editor which supports the data stewards in selecting rules reusing them. Thereby, it also provides an automatic and seamless documentation to strengthen the reliability of the defined transformation rules.},
	pages = {1185--1186},
	journaltitle = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	shortjournal = {Stud Health Technol Inform},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Germer, Sebastian and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Kern, Jori and Lablans, Martin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	date = {2020-06-16},
	pmid = {32570571},
	keywords = {Data Warehousing, Delivery of Health Care, Documentation, Electronic Health Records, {HL}7 {FHIR}, Health Information Interoperability, Health Level Seven, Reproducibility of Results},


Hannes Ulrich, Jori Kern, Deniz Tas, Ann-Kristen Kock-Schoppenhauer, Frank Ückert, Josef Ingenerf, and Martin Lablans,
QL4MDR: a GraphQL query language for ISO 11179-based metadata repositories, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making , vol. 19, pp. 45, 03/. 2019.
Datei: s12911-019-0794-z
Bibtex: BibTeX
@article {ulrich_ql4mdr,
	title = {QL4MDR: a GraphQL query language for ISO 11179-based metadata repositories},
        url = {https://bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12911-019-0794-z},
	journal = {BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making},
	volume = {19},
	year = {2019},
	month = {03/2019},
	pages = {45},
	abstract = {Heterogeneous healthcare instance data can hardly be integrated without harmonizing its schema-level metadata. Many medical research projects and organizations use metadata repositories to edit, store and reuse data elements. However, existing metadata repositories differ regarding software implementation and have shortcomings when it comes to exchanging metadata. This work aims to define a uniform interface with a technical interlingua between the different MDR implementations in order to enable and facilitate the exchange of metadata, to query over distributed systems and to promote cooperation. To design a unified interface for multiple existing MDRs, a standardized data model must be agreed on. The ISO 11179 is an international standard for the representation of metadata, and since most MDR systems claim to be at least partially compliant, it is suitable for defining an interface thereupon. Therefore, each repository must be able to define which parts can be served and the interface must be able to handle highly linked data. GraphQL is a data access layer and defines query techniques designed to navigate easily through complex data structures.},
	issn = {1472-6947},
	doi = {10.1186/s12911-019-0794-z},
		author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kern, Jori and Tas, Deniz and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristen and Ückert, Frank and Ingenerf, Josef and Lablans, Martin},

Noemi Deppenwiese, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, Josef Ingenerf, and Hannes Ulrich,
MDRCupid: A Configurable Metadata Matching Toolbox, Studies in health technology and informatics , vol. 264, pp. 88--92, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {{MDRCupid}: {A} {Configurable} {Metadata} {Matching} {Toolbox}.},
	volume = {264},
	journal = {Studies in health technology and informatics},
	author = {Deppenwiese, Noemi and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef and Ulrich, Hannes},
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {Algorithms, Data Curation, Delivery of Health Care, Health Information Interoperability, Metadata},
	pages = {88--92}
[eng] Hannes Ulrich, Jori Kern, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Martin Lablans, and Josef Ingenerf,
Towards a Federation of Metadata Repositories: Addressing Technical Interoperability, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 253, pp. 55--59, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Towards a {Federation} of {Metadata} {Repositories}: {Addressing} {Technical} {Interoperability}},
	volume = {253},
	issn = {0926-9630},
	abstract = {Secondary use of routinely collected data is more and more promoted by the utilization of metadata repositories. However, this has not yet solved the problem of data exchange across organizational boundaries. The local description of a metadata set must also be exchangeable for flawless data exchange. In previous work a metadata exchange language QL4MDR was developed. The aim of this work was to examine the applicability of this exchange language. For this purpose, existing MDR implementations were identified and systematically inspected. Roughly divided into two categories to distinguish between data integration and query integration. It has been shown that all the implementations can be adapted to QL4MDR. The integration of metadata is an important first step; it enables the exchange of information, which is so urgently needed for the further processing of instance data, from the metadata mappings to the transformation regulations.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kern, Jori and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Lablans, Martin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2019},
	pmid = {30147040},
	keywords = {Algorithms, Databases, Factual, Federation, GraphQL, Metadata, Metadata repository, Neo4j, QL4MDR, Statistics as Topic, graph database},
	pages = {55--59}
[eng] Björn Andersen, Simon Baumhof, and Josef Ingenerf,
Service-Oriented Device Connectivity: Device Specialisations for Interoperability, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 264, pp. 509--511, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Service-{Oriented} {Device} {Connectivity}: {Device} {Specialisations} for {Interoperability}},
	volume = {264},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	shorttitle = {Service-{Oriented} {Device} {Connectivity}},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI190274},
	abstract = {There are IEEE 11073 standards for foundational, structural, and semantic point-of-care medical device interoperability, but the first devices with this interface have yet to enter the market. One of the missing pieces for implementation and approval are Device Specialisations that specify how to use information and service models to represent a specific type of device on the network. Required and optional metrics need to be standardised as well as nomenclature terms, units of measure, and extension points. Finally, device-to-device interaction at runtime has to be defined for automatic verification during testing and approval. Applications include C-arm fluoroscopes used in different clinical settings.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Andersen, Björn and Baumhof, Simon and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2019},
	pmid = {31437975},
	keywords = {Computer Communication Networks, Health Information Interoperability, Reference Standards},
	pages = {509--511}
[English] B.} {Klaucke,
Medical Informatics in Biobanks: Experiences from an Interdisciplinary Internship from the Student's Side, 2019.
Datei: EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Luebeck},
	type = {Poster},
	title = {Medical {Informatics} in {Biobanks}: {Experiences} from an {Interdisciplinary} {Internship} from the {Student}'s {Side}},
	shorttitle = {Medical {Informatics} in {Biobanks}: {Experiences} from an {Interdisciplinary} {Internship} from the {Student}'s {Side}},
	url = {http://europebiobankweek.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf},
	abstract = {Background
Students choose to study Medical Informatics because it is scientifically oriented and at the same time practicerelated. The tasks in the research field between medicine and computer science serve to further improve medical care and patient treatment in the future.
The practical course in the master's program can be done in research institutions or companies in Germany
or abroad. This internship lasts six months and is carried out at the IT Center for Clinical Research, Lübeck in close cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Center for Biobanking-Lübeck at the campus.
During the internship two main areas of the clinical infrastructure, biobanking and study administration can
be explored. In the laboratory of ICB-L collecting, processing and storage of samples are demonstrated,
especially the different automated storage systems. Regarding the samples, the cut of tissue samples is
examined in the pathology. Getting to know these biobank relevant processes is particularly instructive to
transfer them to mobile sample documentation. In the field of study management different approaches for
automated study recruitment on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated.
The practical course had a positive influence on my professional and personal development. In particular, the interaction with other international interns of other disciplines was very educational. I think the internship is a good preparation for my future professional life. The wideranging ethical and data protection requirements were both a challenge and an opportunity.},
	language = {English},
	author = {{Klaucke, B.}},
	collaborator = {{Kock-Schoppenhauer, A.K.} and {Simon, F.} and {Wagenzink, S.} and {Fkiri, H.} and {Maushagen, R.} and {Figge, L.} and {Flügge,F.} and {Habermann, J.K.} and {Ingenerf, J.} and {DuhmHarbeck, P.}},
	month = oct,
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {EBW}
[eng] Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Philipp Bruland, Dennis Kadioglu, Dominik Brammen, Hannes Ulrich, Kerstin Kulbe, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Scientific Challenge in eHealth: MAPPATHON, a Metadata Mapping Challenge, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 264, pp. 1516--1517, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Scientific {Challenge} in {eHealth}: {MAPPATHON}, a {Metadata} {Mapping} {Challenge}},
	volume = {264},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	shorttitle = {Scientific {Challenge} in {eHealth}},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI190512},
	abstract = {Scientific challenges based on benchmark data enable the comparison and evaluation of different algorithms and take place regularly in scientific disciplines like medical image processing, text mining or genetics. The idea of a challenge is rarely applied within the eHealth community. Mappathon is a metadata mapping challenge that asks for methods to find corresponding data elements within similar datasets and to correlate data elements among each other.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Bruland, Philipp and Kadioglu, Dennis and Brammen, Dominik and Ulrich, Hannes and Kulbe, Kerstin and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2019},
	pmid = {31438209},
	keywords = {Algorithms, Benchmarking, Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Metadata, Telemedicine},
	pages = {1516--1517}
[English] F.} {Simon,
Illustrating the Sample Life Cycle at an Hospital Integrated Biobank, 2019.
Datei: EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Luebeck},
	type = {Poster},
	title = {Illustrating the {Sample} {Life} {Cycle} at an {Hospital} {Integrated} {Biobank}},
	shorttitle = {Illustrating the {Sample} {Life} {Cycle} at an {Hospital} {Integrated} {Biobank}},
	url = {http://europebiobankweek.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf},
	abstract = {Background
Biobanks collect high-quality biological material, donorspecific data, and sociodemographic information about the donor. Sample-specific data such as sampling time, processing conditions or sample location should all be documented in a Biobank Management System. The hospital-integrated biobank ICB-L uses the software CentraXX from KAIROS ® to enable sample and data management.
To proof the quality of processing and storage, we developed a sample-life-cycle BIRT-report (Business
Intelligence and Reporting Tools) and made it available in CentraXX. This analysis contains information about donors, medical-conditions, acquisition and storage. With the distribution of the sample the monitoring process ends. results All information is processed at the individual sample level from sampling to storage. Temperature has a major influence on sample quality, which is why the analysis of sample storage has a special focus. Taking into account the temperature logs supplied by the trackers, a temperature curve is drawn on the box/rack level. Special events such as the opening of the box, e.g. for the storage of new samples or removal of samples, are projected. Repositioning of the box within the nitrogen tank is timed as well as the position inside the box. discussion The quality can only
be guaranteed over a long period if the samples are stored properly. Freezing and thawing cycles,
unintentional temperature changes and exposure to air and other substances can have unintentional
consequences. The report is a tool to visualize and summarize all available data. The data was queried and
analyzed from two databases and more than 50 tables.},
	language = {English},
	author = {{Simon, F.}},
	collaborator = {{Kock-Schoppenhauer, A.K.} and {Wagenzink, S.} and {Maushagen, R.} and {Figge, L.} and {Flügge, F.} and {Habermann, J.K.} and {Duhm-Harbeck, P.}},
	month = oct,
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {EBW}
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer,
Generic Test Protocol for the Integration Test of Automated Storage Systems on Rack or Tube Level, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Lübeck},
	type = {Vortrag},
	title = {Generic {Test} {Protocol} for the {Integration} {Test} of {Automated} {Storage} {Systems} on {Rack} or {Tube} {Level}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin},
	collaborator = {Wagenzink, Stefanie and Stüdemann, Maj Kristin and Figge, Lena and Flügge, Friedemann and Simon, Friedrich and Maushagen, Regina and Habermann, Jens K. and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra},
	year = {2019}
[eng] Martin Kasparick, Björn Andersen, Stefan Franke, Max Rockstroh, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann, Josef Ingenerf, and Thomas Neumuth,
Enabling artificial intelligence in high acuity medical environments, Minimally invasive therapy \& allied technologies: MITAT: official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy , vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 120--126, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Enabling artificial intelligence in high acuity medical environments},
	volume = {28},
	issn = {1365-2931},
	doi = {10.1080/13645706.2019.1599957},
	abstract = {Acute patient treatment can heavily profit from AI-based assistive and decision support systems, in terms of improved patient outcome as well as increased efficiency. Yet, only very few applications have been reported because of the limited accessibility of device data due to the lack of adoption of open standards, and the complexity of regulatory/approval requirements for AI-based systems. The fragmentation of data, still being stored in isolated silos, results in limited accessibility for AI in healthcare and machine learning is complicated by the loss of semantics in data conversions. We outline a reference model that addresses the requirements of innovative AI-based research systems as well as the clinical reality. The integration of networked medical devices and Clinical Repositories based on open standards, such as IEEE 11073 SDC and HL7 FHIR, will foster novel assistance and decision support. The reference model will make point-of-care device data available for AI-based approaches. Semantic interoperability between Clinical and Research Repositories will allow correlating patient data, device data, and the patient outcome. Thus, complete workflows in high acuity environments can be analysed. Open semantic interoperability will enable the improvement of patient outcome and the increase of efficiency on a large scale and across clinical applications.},
	language = {eng},
	number = {2},
	journal = {Minimally invasive therapy \& allied technologies: MITAT: official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy},
	author = {Kasparick, Martin and Andersen, Björn and Franke, Stefan and Rockstroh, Max and Golatowski, Frank and Timmermann, Dirk and Ingenerf, Josef and Neumuth, Thomas},
	year = {2019},
	pmid = {30950665},
	keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Context-aware medical technology, Critical Care, Decision Support Systems, Clinical, Efficiency, Organizational, HL7 FHIR, Humans, IEEE 11073 SDC, Surgical Procedures, Operative, Workflow, big data, surgery},
	pages = {120--126}
[English] S.} {Wagenzink,
Central Acquisition and Visualization of Temperature Logs of Various Biobank Storage Systems, 2019.
Datei: EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Luebeck},
	type = {Poster},
	title = {Central {Acquisition} and {Visualization} of {Temperature} {Logs} of {Various} {Biobank} {Storage} {Systems}},
	shorttitle = {Central {Acquisition} and {Visualization} of {Temperature} {Logs} of {Various} {Biobank} {Storage} {Systems}},
	url = {http://europebiobankweek.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/EBW-2019-Abstract-Book-Poster-Presentations-20191007.pdf},
	abstract = {Background
Quality-assured biobanks are obliged to keep a complete sample documentation. The appropriate storage temperature is particularly responsible for the sample quality. Storage systems either have internal temperature recording or are equipped with such systems. Having this information available in a uniform format and in one place facilitates overview and access.
In this project, the -80°C Thermo Fisher freezers, the automated storage systems HS200 from Askion and BIO Store III from Brooks and the conventional tanks using TTracker are taken into account by ICB-L. This selection results in four different temperature measurement systems and different formats, which need to be harmonized.
Not all storage systems have a direct connection to the network of the biobank software, they have to be read and transferred manually. We have developed an interface that reads the formats and transfers the specific xml format. All temperature logs of these devices are then stored as measurement series in the BIMS and can be used for further analysis. Errors and other logging system specific events are stored and considered separately. An automated analysis of the temperature data, over the different systems becomes now even possible.
We can continuously retrieve and use the logs of the automated systems to identify deviations and promote an early reaction. But also the non-automated storage systems can be better controlled by automatic instead of manual verification. This specific information can then be used to calculate curves on single tube level.},
	language = {English},
	author = {{Wagenzink, S.}},
	collaborator = {{Kock-Schoppenhauer, A.K.} and {Simon, F.} and {Maushagen, R.} and {Figge, L.} and {Flügge, F.} and {Habermann, J.K.} and {Duhm-Harbeck, P.}},
	month = oct,
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {EBW}
[eng] Cora Drenkhahn, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Aggregation and Visualization of Laboratory Data by Using Ontological Tools Based on LOINC and SNOMED CT, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 264, pp. 108--112, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Aggregation and {Visualization} of {Laboratory} {Data} by {Using} {Ontological} {Tools} {Based} on {LOINC} and {SNOMED} {CT}},
	volume = {264},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	doi = {10.3233/SHTI190193},
	abstract = {With the proliferation of digital communication in healthcare, the reuse of laboratory test data entails valuable insights into clinical and scientific issues, basically enabled by semantic standardization using the LOINC coding system. In order to extend the currently limited potential for analysis, which is mainly caused by structural peculiarities of LOINC, an algorithmic transformation of relevant content into an OWL ontology was performed, which includes LOINC Terms, Parts and Hierarchies. For extending analysis capabilities, the comprehensive SNOMED CT ontology is added by transferring its contents and the recently published LOINC-related mapping data into OWL ontologies. These formalizations offer rich, computer-processable content and allow to infer additional structures and relationships, especially when used together. Consequently, various reutilizations are facilitated; an application demonstrating the dynamic visualization of fractional hierarchy structures for user-supplied laboratory data was already implemented. By providing element-wise aggregation via superclasses, an adaptable, graph representation is obtained for studying categorizations.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2019},
	pmid = {31437895},
	keywords = {Biomedical Ontologies, Computers, LOINC, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes, SNOMED CT, Semantics, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine},
	pages = {108--112}
Joshua Wiedekopf, Tim Becker, and Josef Ingenerf,
Human Readable Data Export of Medical Documentation, in Student {Conference} 2019, {Medical} {Engineering} {Science}, {Medical} {Informatics}, {Biomedical} {Engineering} and {Auditory} {Technology} , Buzug, Thorsten M. and Handels, Heinz and Klein, Stephan and Mertins, Alfred, Eds. Lübeck: Infinite Science Publishing, 2019. pp. 277--280.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Lübeck},
	title = {Human {Readable} {Data} {Export} of {Medical} {Documentation}},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-57-7},
	booktitle = {Student {Conference} 2019, {Medical} {Engineering} {Science}, {Medical} {Informatics}, {Biomedical} {Engineering} and {Auditory} {Technology}},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Wiedekopf, Joshua and Becker, Tim and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Buzug, Thorsten M. and Handels, Heinz and Klein, Stephan and Mertins, Alfred},
	year = {2019},
	note = {Backup Publisher: Infinite Science Publishing},
	pages = {277--280},


Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Lisa Hartung, Hannes Ulrich, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
"Integrating Instance- and Systemlevel Provenance Data for Supporting Secondary Use of Healthcare Data" MIE 2018, Gothenburg, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {MIE 2018, Gothenburg},
	type = {accepted as {Poster}},
	title = {Integrating {Instance}- and {Systemlevel} {Provenance} {Data} for {Supporting} {Secondary} {Use} of {Healthcare} {Data}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Hartung, Lisa and Ulrich, Hannes and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef}
[eng] Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Using Graph Tools on Metadata Repositories, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 253, pp. 55--59, 2018.
Datei: conhIT_Friedrich.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Using {Graph} {Tools} on {Metadata} {Repositories}},
	volume = {253},
	issn = {1879-8365},
	abstract = {To exchange data across several sites or to interpret it at a later point in time, it is necessary to create a general understanding of the data. As a standard practice, this understanding is achieved through metadata. These metadata are usually stored in relational databases, so-called metadata repositories (MDR). Typical functions of such an MDR include pure storage, administration and other specific metadata functionalities such as finding relations among data elements. This results in a multitude of connections between the data elements, which can be described as highly interconnected graphs. To use alternative databases such as graph databases for modelling and visualisation it has already been proven to be beneficial in previous studies. The objective of this work is to evaluate how on-board techniques rely on matching and mapping using a graph database. Different datasets relating to cancer were entered, and algorithms for metadata management were applied.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2018},
	pmid = {30147040},
	keywords = {Algorithms, Databases, Factual, graph database, Metadata, Metadata repository, Neo4j, Statistics as Topic},
	pages = {55--59}
Philipp Bruland, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, and Dennis Kadioglu,
"Secondary use of Routinely Collected Healthcare Data for Multiple Purposes – Experiences and Obstacles" MIE 2018, Gothenburg, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {MIE 2018, Gothenburg},
	type = {accepted as {Workshop}},
	title = {Secondary use of {Routinely} {Collected} {Healthcare} {Data} for {Multiple} {Purposes} – {Experiences} and {Obstacles}},
	author = {Bruland, Philipp and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Kadioglu, Dennis}
[eng] Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Lina Hartung, Hannes Ulrich, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Practical Extension of Provenance to Healthcare Data Based on the W3C PROV Standard, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 253, pp. 28--32, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Practical {Extension} of {Provenance} to {Healthcare} {Data} {Based} on the {W}3C {PROV} {Standard}},
	volume = {253},
	issn = {0926-9630},
	abstract = {Secondary use of healthcare data is dependent on the availability of provenance data for assessing its quality, reliability or trustworthiness. Usually, instance-level data that might be communicated by HL7 interfaces entail limited metadata about involved software systems, persons or organizations bearing responsibility for those systems. This paper proposes a strategy for capturing interoperable provenance data needed by data stewards for assessing healthcare data that are reused in a research context. Aimed at a realistic level of granularity even system-level metadata will support a data steward trying to trace the origins or provenance of healthcare data that have been transferred to the research context. Those metadata are extracted from the 3LGM2-system, used for modelling hospital information systems. Based on the W3C provenance specification interrelated activities, entities and agents can be integrated and stored in RDF triple stores and therefore queried and visualized.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Hartung, Lina and Ulrich, Hannes and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2018},
	pmid = {30147034},
	keywords = {Metadata, Software, Delivery of Health Care, Reproducibility of Results, interoperable provenance data, Secondary use of EHR data, Statistics as Topic},
	pages = {28--32}
Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
"Modelling a Metadata Repository in a Graph Database using Neo4j" MIE 2018, Gothenburg, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {MIE 2018, Gothenburg},
	type = {accepted as {Short} {Communication}},
	title = {Modelling a {Metadata} {Repository} in a {Graph} {Database} using {Neo}4j},
	author = {Ulrich, Hannes and Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef}
[English] Cora Drenkhahn, Hannes Ulrich, Josef Ingenerf, and Petra Duhm-Harbeck,
Mapping of Laboratory Services included in an Internal Catalog to SNOMED CT using the UMLS, in Student {Conference} {Proceedings} 2018: 7th {Conference} on {Medical} {Engineering} {Science} and 3rd {Conference} on {Medical} {Informatics} and 1st {Conference} on {Biomediacal} {Engineering} , Buzug, Thorsten and Handels, Heinz and Klein, Stephan, Eds. Infinite Science Publishing, 2018. pp. 337--340.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	series = {Student {Conference} {Proceedings}},
	title = {Mapping of {Laboratory} {Services} included in an {Internal} {Catalog} to {SNOMED} {CT} using the {UMLS}},
	isbn = {978-3-945954-47-8},
	abstract = {The contributions to this proceedings book show how new approaches and methods in medical engineering and medical informatics can advance medicine, health and health care. The papers focus on the following topics: Medical Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Signal Processing, Biomedical Optics, Biochemical Physics, Safety and Quality, E-Health.},
	language = {English},
	booktitle = {Student {Conference} {Proceedings} 2018: 7th {Conference} on {Medical} {Engineering} {Science} and 3rd {Conference} on {Medical} {Informatics} and 1st {Conference} on {Biomediacal} {Engineering}},
	publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
	author = {Drenkhahn, Cora and Ulrich, Hannes and Ingenerf, Josef and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra},
	editor = {Buzug, Thorsten and Handels, Heinz and Klein, Stephan},
	year = {2018},
	pages = {337--340}
[de] Stefanie Ververs, Hannes Ulrich, Ann-Kristin Kock, and Josef Ingenerf,
Konvertierung von MIMIC-III-Daten zu FHIR, 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS) , 2018.
Datei: 18gmds018.shtml
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Konvertierung von {MIMIC}-{III}-{Daten} zu {FHIR}},
	url = {http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/gmds2018/18gmds018.shtml},
	doi = {10.3205/18gmds018},
	abstract = {Einleitung: Die Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) [ref:1] ist eine für akademische Zwecke frei verfügbare Datenbank mit klinischen Patientendaten aus vorwiegend intensivmedizinischen Fällen und umfasst ca. 59000 Aufenthalte von ca. 46000 Patienten. Zu diesen[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]},
	language = {de},
	urldate = {2018-11-20},
	journal = {63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS)},
	author = {Ververs, Stefanie and Ulrich, Hannes and Kock, Ann-Kristin and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie Und Epidemiologie},
	month = aug,
	year = {2018}
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Philipp Bruland, and Dennis Kadioglu,
"Mappathon – A Metadata Mapping Challenge for Secondary Use" 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS), 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS)},
	title = {Mappathon – {A} {Metadata} {Mapping} {Challenge} for {Secondary} {Use}},
	url = {https://www.mappathon.de},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Bruland, Philipp and Kadioglu, Dennis},
	month = sep,
	year = {2018}
[de] Anke Neumann, Ann-Kristin Kock, Friedrich Simon, Stefanie Wagenzink, Manuela Nohr, Martin Jürgens, Rita Milinski, Ursula Holler, Jens K. Habermann, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Entwicklung eines generischen Modells zur Abbildung von Studienzentralen in CentraXX, 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS) , 2018.
Datei: 18gmds003.shtml
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Entwicklung eines generischen {Modells} zur {Abbildung} von {Studienzentralen} in {CentraXX}},
	url = {http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/gmds2018/18gmds003.shtml},
	doi = {10.3205/18gmds003},
	abstract = {Einleitung: Klinische Studien sind für den Fortschritt in der Medizin unabdingbar. Studien können beispielsweise Teil des Entwicklungsplans eines Arzneimittels (AMG-Studie) oder Medizinproduktes (MPG-Studie) sein oder untersuchen andere Therapien [ref:1]. Die Verwaltung und Durchführung[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]},
	language = {de},
	urldate = {2018-11-20},
	journal = {63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS)},
	author = {Neumann, Anke and Kock, Ann-Kristin and Simon, Friedrich and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Nohr, Manuela and Jürgens, Martin and Milinski, Rita and Holler, Ursula and Habermann, Jens K. and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	editor = {Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie Und Epidemiologie},
	month = aug,
	year = {2018},
	keywords = {Medizinische Informatik},
	file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Ann-Kristin Kock\\Zotero\\storage\\B34VPNQ5\\18gmds003.html:text/html}
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Friedrich Simon, Stefanie Wagenzink, Regina Maushagen, Martina Oberländer, Lena Figge, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Jens K. Habermann,
"Data Quality Analysis for Biobanks" Global Biobank Week 2018, Antwerpen, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Global Biobank Week 2018, Antwerpen},
	title = {New {Data} {Quality} {BIRT}-{Reports} for {Biobanks}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Simon, Friedrich and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Maushagen, Regina and Oberländer, Martina and Figge, Lena and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Habermann, Jens K.},
	year = {2018}
[English] Björn Andersen, Martin Kasparick, Hannes Ulrich, Stefan Franke, Jan Schlamelcher, Max Rockstroh, and Josef Ingenerf,
Connecting the clinical {IT} infrastructure to a service-oriented architecture of medical devices, Biomedizinische Technik , vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 57--68, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Connecting the clinical {IT} infrastructure to a service-oriented architecture of medical devices},
	volume = {63},
	issn = {0013-5585},
	doi = {10.1515/bmt-2017-0021},
	abstract = {The new medical device communication protocol known as IEEE 11073 SDC is well-suited for the integration of (surgical) point-of-care devices, so are the established Health Level Seven (HL7) V2 and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards for the communication of systems in the clinical IT infrastructure (CITI). An integrated operating room (OR) and other integrated clinical environments, however, need interoperability between both domains to fully unfold their potential for improving the quality of care as well as clinical workflows. This work thus presents concepts for the propagation of clinical and administrative data to medical devices, physiologic measurements and device parameters to clinical IT systems, as well as image and multimedia content in both directions. Prototypical implementations of the derived components have proven to integrate well with systems of networked medical devices and with the CITI, effectively connecting these heterogeneous domains. Our qualitative evaluation indicates that the interoperability concepts are suitable to be integrated into clinical workflows and are expected to benefit patients and clinicians alike. The upcoming HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) communication standard will likely change the domain of clinical IT significantly. A straightforward mapping to its resource model thus ensures the tenability of these concepts despite a foreseeable change in demand and requirements.},
	language = {English},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Biomedizinische Technik},
	author = {Andersen, Björn and Kasparick, Martin and Ulrich, Hannes and Franke, Stefan and Schlamelcher, Jan and Rockstroh, Max and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2018},
	pages = {57--68}
[eng] Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Hannes Ulrich, Stefanie Wagenzink, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, Josef Ingenerf, Philipp Neuhaus, Martin Dugas, and Philipp Bruland,
Compatibility Between Metadata Standards: Import Pipeline of CDISC ODM to the Samply.MDR, Studies in health technology and informatics , vol. 247, pp. 221--225, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Compatibility {Between} {Metadata} {Standards}: {Import} {Pipeline} of {CDISC} {ODM} to the {Samply}.{MDR}},
	volume = {247},
	issn = {0926-9630},
	abstract = {The establishment of a digital healthcare system is a national and community task. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany is providing funding for consortia consisting of university hospitals among others participating in the "Medical Informatics Initiative". Exchange of medical data between research institutions necessitates a place where meta information for this data is made accessible. Within these consortia different metadata registry solutions were chosen. To promote interoperability between these solutions, we have examined whether the portal of Medical Data Models is eligible for managing and communicating metadata and relevant information across different data integration centres of the Medical Informatics Initiative and beyond. Apart from the MDM-portal, some ISO 11179-based systems such as Samply.MDR as well as openEHR-based solutions are going to be applyed. In this paper, we have focused on the creation of a mapping model between the CDISC ODM standard and the Samply.MDR import format. In summary, it can be stated that the mapping model is feasible and promote the exchangeability between different metadata registry approaches.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in health technology and informatics},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Ulrich, Hannes and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef and Neuhaus, Philipp and Dugas, Martin and Bruland, Philipp},
	year = {2018},
	keywords = {Metadata, Humans, Biomedical Research, Germany, Metadata/standards, Reference Standards, Registries, CDISC ODM, data elements, mapping, MDR, metadata registry},
	pages = {221--225}
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Stefanie Wagenzink, Lars Böckmann, Anna Krampitz, Friedrich Simon, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Jens K. Habermann,
"CCDC Data Provision in the Context of BBMRI-ERIC ADOPT CRC-Cohort" Global Biobank Week 2018, Antwerpen, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Global Biobank Week 2018, Antwerpen},
	title = {{CCDC} {Data} {Provision} in the {Context} of {BBMRI}-{ERIC} {ADOPT} {CRC}-{Cohort}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Böckmann, Lars and Krampitz, Anna and Simon, Friedrich and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Habermann, Jens K.},
	year = {2018}
[de] Friedrich Simon, Ann-Kristin Kock, Anke Neumann, Stefanie Wagenzink, Manuela Nohr, Martin Jürgens, Rita Milinski, Ursula Holler, Jens K. Habermann, Josef Ingenerf, and Petra Duhm-Harbeck,
Aufbau eines campusweiten Studienregisters harmonisiert aus DRKS, ClinicalTrails.gov und EU Clinical Trials Register, 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS) , 2018.
Datei: 18gmds001.shtml
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Aufbau eines campusweiten {Studienregisters} harmonisiert aus {DRKS}, {ClinicalTrails}.gov und {EU} {Clinical} {Trials} {Register}},
	url = {http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/gmds2018/18gmds001.shtml},
	doi = {10.3205/18gmds001},
	abstract = {Einleitung: Ein Studienregister ermöglicht einen aktuellen und nutzerorientierten Überblick über laufende und abgeschlossene Studien. Die frei verfügbaren Informationen in den nationalen und internationalen Studienregistern unterstützen die Transparenz in der medizinischen Forschung.[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]},
	language = {de},
	urldate = {2018-11-20},
	journal = {63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS)},
	author = {Simon, Friedrich and Kock, Ann-Kristin and Neumann, Anke and Wagenzink, Stefanie and Nohr, Manuela and Jürgens, Martin and Milinski, Rita and Holler, Ursula and Habermann, Jens K. and Ingenerf, Josef and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra},
	editor = {Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie Und Epidemiologie},
	month = aug,
	year = {2018}
Jori Kern, Deniz Tas, Hannes Ulrich, Esther Erika Schmidt, Josef Ingenerf, Frank Ückert, and Martin Lablans,
A Method to use Metadata in legacy Web Applications: The Samply.MDR.Injector, Stud Health Technol Inform , 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {A {Method} to use {Metadata} in legacy {Web} {Applications}: {The} {Samply}.{MDR}.{Injector}},
	abstract = {Whenever medical data is integrated from multiple sources, it is regarded good practice to separate data from information about its meaning, such as designations, definitions or permissible values (in short: metadata). However, the ways in which applications work with metadata are imperfect: Many applications do not support fetching metadata from externalized sources such as metadata repositories. In order to display human-readable metadata in any application, we propose not to change the application, but to provide a library that makes a change to the user interface. The goal of this work is to provide a way to “inject” the meaning of metadata keys into the web-based frontend of an application to make it “metadata aware”.},
	journal = {Stud Health Technol Inform},
	author = {Kern, Jori and Tas, Deniz and Ulrich, Hannes and Schmidt, Esther Erika and Ingenerf, Josef and Ückert, Frank and Lablans, Martin},
	year = {2018}
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Friedrich Simon, Regina Maushagen, Martina Oberländer, Lena Figge, Jens K. Habermann, and Petra Duhm-Harbeck,
"Data Quality Analysis for Biobanks" Nationales Biobanken-Symposium Moderne Biobanken – fit for purpose!, 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Nationales Biobanken-Symposium Moderne Biobanken – fit for purpose!},
	title = {Data {Quality} {Analysis} for {Biobanks}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Simon, Friedrich and Maushagen, Regina and Oberländer, Martina and Figge, Lena and Habermann, Jens K. and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra},
	year = {2018}


Ann-Kristen Kock-Schoppenhauer, Hannes Ulrich, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, Jens K. Habermann, and Josef Ingenerf,
"Increasing Standardization of Biobank Data through HL7 FHIR Mapping" Stockholm, 2017.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Stockholm},
	type = {poster},
	title = {Increasing {Standardization} of {Biobank} {Data} through {HL}7 {FHIR} {Mapping}},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristen and Ulrich, Hannes and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Habermann, Jens K. and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2017}
Neumann, Lablans, Döllinger, Duhm-Harbeck, Ebert, Habermann, Hummel, Illig, Ingenerf, Kadioglu, Kern, Kiel, Knell, Kock, Linde, Maier, Mate, Popp, Proynova, Rambow, Rufenach, Sahr, Schmidt, Schüttler, Ulrich, Prokosch, and Ückert,
"The IT Architecture of the German Biobank Alliance (GBA)" 2017.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {The {IT} {Architecture} of the {German} {Biobank} {Alliance} ({GBA})},
	author = {Neumann and Lablans and Döllinger and Duhm-Harbeck and Ebert and Habermann and Hummel and Illig and Ingenerf and Kadioglu and Kern and Kiel and Knell and Kock and Linde and Maier and Mate and Popp and Proynova and Rambow and Rufenach and Sahr and Schmidt and Schüttler and Ulrich and Prokosch and Ückert}
[eng] Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Christian Kamann, Hannes Ulrich, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, and Josef Ingenerf,
Linked Data Applications Through Ontology Based Data Access in Clinical Research, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 235, pp. 131--135, 2017.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Linked {Data} {Applications} {Through} {Ontology} {Based} {Data} {Access} in {Clinical} {Research}},
	volume = {235},
	issn = {0926-9630},
	abstract = {Clinical care and research data are widely dispersed in isolated systems based on heterogeneous data models. Biomedicine predominantly makes use of connected datasets based on the Semantic Web paradigm. Initiatives like Bio2RDF created Resource Description Framework (RDF) versions of Omics resources, enabling sophisticated Linked Data applications. In contrast, electronic healthcare records (EHR) data are generated and processed in diverse clinical subsystems within hospital information systems (HIS). Usually, each of them utilizes a relational database system with a different proprietary schema. Semantic integration and access to the data is hardly possible. This paper describes ways of using Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) for bridging the semantic gap between existing raw data and user-oriented views supported by ontology-based queries. Based on mappings between entities of data schemas and ontologies data can be made available as materialized or virtualized RDF triples ready for querying and processing. Our experiments based on CentraXX for biobank and study management demonstrate the advantages of abstracting away from low level details and semantic mediation. Furthermore, it becomes clear that using a professional platform for Linked Data applications is recommended due to the inherent complexity, the inconvenience to confront end users with SPARQL, and scalability and performance issues.},
	language = {eng},
	journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
	author = {Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin and Kamann, Christian and Ulrich, Hannes and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ingenerf, Josef},
	year = {2017},
	pmid = {28423769},
	keywords = {Electronic Health Records, Internet, Semantics, Biomedical Research, Biological Ontologies, Information Storage and Retrieval, Linked Data, Semantic Querying and Data Integration, Semantic Web},
	pages = {131--135}
Neumann, Hannes Ulrich, John Linde, Martin Lablans, Christoph Döllinger, Petra Duhm-Harbeck, Lars Ebert, Jens K. Habermann, Thomas Illig, Josef Ingenerf, Jori Kern, Alexander Kiel, Christian Knell, Ann-Kristin Kock, Maier, Sebastian Mate, Popp, Proynova, Matt Rambow, Rufenach, Sahr, Schmidt, Christina Schüttler, Seelke, Ulrich Prokosch, Ückert, and Michael Hummel,
"Konzept eines lokalen regelbasierten Antwortsystems zur automatischen Anfrage-Prüfung in Biobanken" Berlin, 2017.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	address = {Berlin},
	type = {Poster},
	title = {Konzept eines lokalen regelbasierten {Antwortsystems} zur automatischen {Anfrage}-{Prüfung} in {Biobanken}},
	author = {Neumann and Ulrich, Hannes and Linde, John and Lablans, Martin and Döllinger, Christoph and Duhm-Harbeck, Petra and Ebert, Lars and Habermann, Jens K. and Illig, Thomas and Ingenerf, Josef and Kern, Jori and Kiel, Alexander and Knell, Christian and Kock, Ann-Kristin and Maier and Mate, Sebastian and Popp and Proynova and Rambow, Matt and Rufenach and Sahr and Schmidt and Schüttler, Christina and Seelke and Prokosch, Ulrich and Ückert and Hummel, Michael}